Dual mono true bypass with one switch


I was wondering if it is possible to wire a dual mono guitar pedal to true bypass each board with one switch? It's for a synth so toggle switch not a problem. Bit of a newb

true bypass requires the ability to switch the IN and OUT lines for each board so two switches are used. turning the LED on and off when the switch is pressed requires a third on/off switch, so a pedal switch normally has 3 sets of switches.

if you did not use one switch for an LED, you can use a 4 pole double-throw switch to provide separate in/out switching for two boards.

Thanks that sound fine. I could just put a led in line to indicate weather the unit is on or off.

Once again thanks
You can do it with an LED indicator if you use a 4PDT switch along with millenium bypass to switch the LED.

This is how the Binaura handles stereo bypass switching.
So basically with the millennium bypass the left hand and right hand of a 4PDT would be connected as in this picture to both sides?

Millenium Bypass 2.png


  • Millenium Bypass 2.png
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