SOLVED Duocast LEDs flashing


Well-known member
Hey gang, long time no see. Decided to finish up a Duocast that I've had 90% done for over 2 years this morning and I've run into a bit of a weird one.

Effect powers on, passes signal, works (sort of, it does drive/fuzz), but both the effected audio and LEDs are pulsing/flashing. Flashing only occurs on Strymon Zuma power supply, but does not occur with another known good Duocast build, so can rule out power supply as the issue, but is interesting to note that the indicator light for the channel on Zuma also flashes at same sequence, so would appear to be some sort of overvoltage issue? Flashing on power supply happens regardless of if the effect is engaged or not.

I've built both a duocast and simulcast previously, so I'm scratching my head on this one. Would love any suggestions

Things I've already attempted:
  • Swapped out LT1054 with known good in other duocast; only change was the LEDs were lightly pulsing and after change to known good are flashing.
  • Checked if DC jack were faulty, no change with a different known good DC jack
  • Thought toggle switch may be shorting against the adjacent pot, but no change after ensuring they weren't touching.
  • Swapped transistors with one from known good Duocast; no change
  • checked my multimeter on a few things, but had no idea what i was looking for.
  • reflowed connections on switch and nearest pot to switch; no change
  • double checked 3pdt wiring and no observed shorts or misconnections
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Did you accidentally use flashing LEDs? You wouldn't be the first person to make that mistake
I wish that were the case; this batch of LEDs have been used in other builds and known good.
If your power supply is flashing, that sounds like power shorting to ground. Maybe a solder bridge somewhere?
Interesting. I don't see any solder bridges, but am looking closely and re-running a few less than brilliant joints.
I wish that were the case; this batch of LEDs have been used in other builds and known good.

Interesting. I don't see any solder bridges, but am looking closely and re-running a few less than brilliant joints.
You could try setting your meter to continuity or resistance and testing for any connection between + and -
Bumping this one to share that I have fixed the issue and it now works as expected.

After reflowing every single joint, getting ready to set this one back aside so it could think about what it's done wrong, I decided to look at the newest revision's schematic, and even though the board I'm using is either rev 1 or rev 2 (purchased july 2020 lol), I saw that the only real difference between the new one and old was the removal of the 15v diode (formerly known as D5).

So I cut that 15V diode out and it both lit up, and was not blinking, and passing those beautiful Duocast tones we know and love.

I also fixed my dishwasher today, so I'm on an absolute roll.