SOLVED Dwarven Hammer rotary switch question


New member
Hello all,

I bought the recommended rotary switch for this project from here ( and another 1P8T mini rotary switch from elsewhere (but don't remember from where exactly... :p).

My question is that the switch from turns in both directions (clockwise / counterclockwise), each time with a click, but without comming to a stop, for example you can turn it clockwise click-by-click forever, whereas the other switch turns only 7 clicks in one direction and 7 clicks the other direction and comes to a stop.

A) Which one of the two switches is the right one for this project?
B) How many "Attack" options is the pedal supposed to offer? Both the Nano Attack and Precision Drive offer 6 positions and I have a 7 position switch and one that turns all the way through.

Any advice is very welcome!
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Is it possible you got those mixed up? The switches I have are 8 position with a stop, but I have seen the switches that have no stop.

Either switch will work fine, it's your choice whether you want the stop or not. (I generally prefer it, but thats just personal preference)

There are 8 attack options, two were added to accommodate the rotary switch.
Yeah, probably I have mixed them by mistake... sorry my bad... :LOL:

Anyway, thank you for the quick response, I will use the one with the stop.
As for the "7" positions, again my mistake :LOL::LOL::LOL:... I was counting clicks and not the different positions...

Thank you very much!