EHX Frequency Analyzer


Member known well
Q: Are we not men?
A: We are effects pedal fanatics!

Anyway, the Frequency Analyzer is a really unique vintage ring mod which was favored by Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh, and I’ve got an uncontrollable urge to build one.

Take a listen for yourself if you fancy (couldn’t find demo that shows off much of what the pedal can do, so here’s a concert that features it a good amount):

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I really need to get back on this one... I have a nice stash of ICs just waiting to be used.

I got a bit hung up because I want it to fit a 125B and have standard 9VDC operation and was trying to avoid stacked PCBs.

This is the song that always comes to mind when I think of musical ring modulation. I haven't listened to this in probably 20 years, man, love that song. I remember the first time I heard it, what the hell is that noise?

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So... which ICs should I be scouring the underbelly of the Internet-Shops for?

The DIP version of the LM13700 is EoL, so wouldn't hurt to stock up on those while you can. I know at least a couple of ring mods rely on them
A bunch of names with no commercial potential:

“Q: Are we not pitch shifters?
A: We are ring mod!”

“Booji Box”

“red hat ringer”

Anal. Freq.


“De-evolution device”

There is a vero layout on but it is unverified. It doesnt look to difficult tho. not too much offboard wiring craziness. Anybody build this one on vero?