DEMO Figment Preamp (Acorn MIGFET 50P)

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despite my doubts that this would sound any good, i was still keen to build one and see how it goes.
haven’t seen/heard many demos of the migfet on youtube, not sure what to expect.
the board calls for a 125B, but i really wanted to have all the knobs inline, so i made it happen in a 1590BB2.


measured a few mmbf5457 jfets and selected x3 that rated around -1.5V (Vp) and ~3 ma idss


for setting bias, had a look at the data in the build doc and a thread on here, tried some stuff, idk didn’t really seem to make sense or sound good.
tried setting all x3 trimmers at roughly halfway, still too much gain / overdrive.
so i just did it all by ear to try and get it to a nice tone that would clean up enough at low gain settings.
once i had this set right, hot damn, it actually sounds pretty good.
still way more overdrive than i expected this thing to be capable of, unless i just haven’t biased it correctly, but idk, sounds good enough to me.
surprisingly the barebones chargepump circuit/supply doesn’t make any noise. it doesn’t even have a 100u or 47u filter cap in front of it. nice.

in this demo, running an epiphone explorer direct into figment preamp then straight into normal channel (bright off, crunch off) SLO-100 clone build

i reckon it would probably sound better with either single coils, or a treble booster, tight drive or something similar.
still yet to try it direct into FX return, will see how that goes. bit scared to though, cos the output is super loud.
in front of an amp, unity seems to be around 9o’clock. 12o’clock is monster. don’t wanna know what dimed is like 😵‍💫
didn’t get time to try boosting it with a nice tight drive just yet, but i reckon it’ll probably love it.

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Sounds and looks great! And that’s exactly how my MIG50 is, TONS of volume on tap and drive is insane!
so much drive 😅 is your real deal also kinda wooly and dark with humbuckers vs single coils?
(i don’t have any single coil guitars to compare)
an overdrive to cut some low end would probably help, it’s got way more low end than i expected
so much drive 😅 is your real deal also kinda wooly and dark with humbuckers vs single coils?
(i don’t have any single coil guitars to compare)
an overdrive to cut some low end would probably help, it’s got way more low end than i expected
Yes!!! It’s super dark!! I have to have a treble boost or an eq in front of it and my tone knob all the way up on my guitars, but I love it!! I’m sure with single coils it would be perfect, but who has time for single coils :rolleyes:
Yes!!! It’s super dark!! I have to have a treble boost or an eq in front of it and my tone knob all the way up on my guitars, but I love it!! I’m sure with single coils it would be perfect, but who has time for single coils :rolleyes:
ahhh good to know.
haha indeed, humbuckers 4 lyf 🤟🏻
Any thoughts on changes to make the master/volume knobs more useful? Mine is also only tame with them below 9o'clock before things get out of hand.
Any thoughts on changes to make the master/volume knobs more useful? Mine is also only tame with them below 9o'clock before things get out of hand.
I'm not too sure. I haven't tried anything just yet. tbh i'm pretty happy how it is, where I can just set at it at 9o'clock if i want to achieve unity gain.
The default schematic indicates B10K (a linear taper pot) for master volume. I've seen some talk recently that it's better to use a logarithmic (A-taper) instead of linear (B-taper) for master volume pots. makes sense to me. perhaps you could try an A10K?

Demo update.
I tried boosting it :giggle:
selected my favourite overdrive circuit of all time, the Maxon Super Tube Screamer (ST-01 / ST-9) - cos it tends to make every amp ive ever tried sound awesome..
OMG. I did not expect this.

I cannot believe x3 tiny SOT23 5457 JFETs are making this tone. (yes, the ST-01 is helping but honestly it sounds pretty meh on it's own into a clean amp and it barely scrapes above unity gain at max volume/level)
OK - you can all go and build one of these Figment Preamps now. it's awesome, I guarantee, with (or without) the right pedals it'll probably do whatever you need it to. Just gotta bias it right I reckon.

highly recommend one of these for testing SOT23 JFETs.
It's paid itself off already.
One of the first mmbf5457 fets i tested was a dud, the rest were all good (they were genuine) but it's great to have peace of mind and confirm/ choose precise specs etc.
That sounds amazing, I need to find something that does the same magic as the super tube screamer, my sd-1 gets the figment close. I ended up swapping the b10k master for an a10k with a 11k in series after the 2.2uf of the output. This gives excellent volume control.
I need to find something that does the same magic as the super tube screamer, my sd-1 gets the figment close.
honestly the SD-1 would probably get you close enough, those always sound really good to me.
but if you really want that mid control, have a look at this one:
it’s an ST-9 with even more features

ended up swapping the b10k master for an a10k with a 11k in series after the 2.2uf of the output. This gives excellent volume control.
nice 🤟🏻
I ended up swapping the b10k master for an a10k with a 11k in series after the 2.2uf of the output. This gives excellent volume control.

Great tip, I used an A10k and a socket in series so I could experiment with resistor values and settled on 10k.
despite my doubts that this would sound any good, i was still keen to build one and see how it goes.
haven’t seen/heard many demos of the migfet on youtube, not sure what to expect.
the board calls for a 125B, but i really wanted to have all the knobs inline, so i made it happen in a 1590BB2.

View attachment 67415

measured a few mmbf5457 jfets and selected x3 that rated around -1.5V (Vp) and ~3 ma idss

View attachment 67414

for setting bias, had a look at the data in the build doc and a thread on here, tried some stuff, idk didn’t really seem to make sense or sound good.
tried setting all x3 trimmers at roughly halfway, still too much gain / overdrive.
so i just did it all by ear to try and get it to a nice tone that would clean up enough at low gain settings.
once i had this set right, hot damn, it actually sounds pretty good.
still way more overdrive than i expected this thing to be capable of, unless i just haven’t biased it correctly, but idk, sounds good enough to me.
surprisingly the barebones chargepump circuit/supply doesn’t make any noise. it doesn’t even have a 100u or 47u filter cap in front of it. nice.

in this demo, running an epiphone explorer direct into figment preamp then straight into normal channel (bright off, crunch off) SLO-100 clone build

i reckon it would probably sound better with either single coils, or a treble booster, tight drive or something similar.
still yet to try it direct into FX return, will see how that goes. bit scared to though, cos the output is super loud.
in front of an amp, unity seems to be around 9o’clock. 12o’clock is monster. don’t wanna know what dimed is like 😵‍💫
didn’t get time to try boosting it with a nice tight drive just yet, but i reckon it’ll probably love it.

View attachment 67416
This is a really nice build. I especially love the wiring and the jewel lamp.
ay thanks for the kind words!
turns out the hardest part of this build wasn't the wiring - it was getting that top left part of the board to fit under the input jack..
Well, I never would have guessed that looking at this build. You did a fantastic job of making it look easy.
That sounds amazing, I need to find something that does the same magic as the super tube screamer, my sd-1 gets the figment close. I ended up swapping the b10k master for an a10k with a 11k in series after the 2.2uf of the output. This gives excellent volume control.
Just wondering. What is the benefit of doing this over the stock setup? I understand it’ll have a better sweep overall so mostly wondering about the adding of the resistor.
That was just my implementation of getting a more useful sweep given the parts I had on hand. Felt like a more intuitive sweep with the log taper, and I also broke the linear taper when lifting a leg. The resistor is the main component to add, limiting the overall output. I've used internal trim pots on other pedals to do a similar effect without permanently limiting the output level.
Just wondering. What is the benefit of doing this over the stock setup? I understand it’ll have a better sweep overall so mostly wondering about the adding of the resistor.
The master volume control is a simple voltage divider. With the master volume at max, the 11K will form a voltage divider with the 10K of the master pot going to ground. The maximum achievable output volume will be dropped by a little more than half because of that.
The master volume control is a simple voltage divider. With the master volume at max, the 11K will form a voltage divider with the 10K of the master pot going to ground. The maximum achievable output volume will be dropped by a little more than half because of that.
Exactly - I guessed a 30-50% reduction would help, a random 11k resistor was the closest I had extra of that would accomplish the drop while keeping similar impedance.
That was just my implementation of getting a more useful sweep given the parts I had on hand. Felt like a more intuitive sweep with the log taper, and I also broke the linear taper when lifting a leg. The resistor is the main component to add, limiting the overall output. I've used internal trim pots on other pedals to do a similar effect without permanently limiting the output level.
The master volume control is a simple voltage divider. With the master volume at max, the 11K will form a voltage divider with the 10K of the master pot going to ground. The maximum achievable output volume will be dropped by a little more than half because of that.
Thanks for the info!
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