DEMO Five Fuzzes (Loft Green, Zonk, Tone Vendor, SiliSmile)

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Well-known member
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
All built according to the docs except for my transistor choice-
  • Tone Vendor mki got MP40s
  • Tone Vendor mkii got 3AX31As
  • Zonk got some unnumbered guys from Small Bear
  • SiliSmile got 2n2369s
  • Loft Fuzz got 2N3903s
All are in 1590Bbin sand black matte, currently rocking the Tayda Rippel knobs (brutalist knockoffs)

This has been the first time I've actually sat down to test, notate, and audition transistors and I actually enjoyed it. Not looking do it again anytime soon, but I do still have a few boards calling for gwrmaniums. I'm happy with how this batch turned out

I really dig all five of these, with the SiliSmile being my least favorite.
The Nu Fuzz is raunchy as heck, and sorta reminds me of the Percolator. It's Tone Control has a fairly large range, though I'd probably just set it somewhere around 10 o'clock and leave it.

The mki and Zonk are both pretty cool, and take buffered signals incredibly well. Nice range of textures throughout the Fuzz pots rotations, I could see a version of these mashed up with the FZ-1 with a toggle or two to select your flavor. These two were the hardest to settle on a transistor set for

The MKII is nice and thick, and gets kinda wild when you really dig in. Opens up to feedback easily, and my second fave of this batch

The SiliSmile is aight. This one's meaty, but doesn't have a ton of compression or sustain, and it absolutely hates buffers. Kinda burnt out on Fuzz Faces currently, having built about 8 in the past two weeks.

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Woo Who?

