FV-1 Patches - Samples of every patch available via the Eeprom builder, plus Spatialist


Well-known member
Hello -

I built a few Pythagoras pedals and a Spatialist, and I figured I would try to load them up to cover every patch available here and put out a video with samples of all the patches. So here it is!

A few notes:
- I did this last night while the kids were asleep so I had to keep the amp volume down. Wish I could boost the volume via youtube or something.
- I recorded the loop with mainly delay and reverb in mind, so some of the other effects aren't the best example due to the nature of the loop. I also had trouble dialing in a few patches, so if anyone wants me to redo a patch, I'd be happy to.
- You might notice that my enclosure (which is for the Spatialist) is labelled incorrectly - Shimmer and Mod are switched. I messed up, but our gracious leader sent me out a new eeprom in my incorrect order for free (there was a small misprint on the website that might have led to my mistake, but regardless, a very nice gesture).
- If you load it up on a new page (not embedded), the timestamps are available for each patch.

Part 1 Delay -
Part 2 Filter, Pitch Unison -
Part 3 Reverb -
Part 4 Modulation -
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