Glory hole - hi cut switch not working


Well-known member
Hello again.

I’ve had a good run lately! 3 of the last 5 needing the forums help!

My issue- not hearing a thing with the high cut switch.

Went through and reheated all the joints. Checked the switch for continuity.
Gave it a glaring look.

One thing of note, I did put in the wrong switch at first an on/off/on but pulled it and out and on/on in. Didn’t see any pulled pads.



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Reflowed it, no change.

Looking at the schematic, it thought of something, dime the tone knob full treble and see if that is the issue. In doing so I get a tiny bit of high cut but nothing that noticeable. Back to normal human hearing range tone control and listening to headphones I hear a faint high cut but not anything drastic. Perhaps it is just the way the pedal is designed.

Thanks Nostradoomus for your suggestion and finding those cold solders!