Help with Sabbath distortion


New member
I just finished the sabbra cadabra clone and am having some issues. Take it easy as I'm a noob.

I'm not getting any signal passing through but just noise if turn the gain knob all the way up.

I used pn4393 jfet and found a post where someone said the source voltages for all should be around 5.5v. So I've checked my source voltages on Q2-Q6 and they are as follows

Q2 .83
Q3 5.45
Q4 1.25
Q5 5.35
Q6 5.27

Like I said I'm kind of a noob and not quite sure where to go from here. I've visually checked over all my solder connections and don't see any bad ones, and any that may have been questionable I have reflowed.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, and thanks for your time
So you are not getting a clean tone when the pedal is of?...
I was getting a clean tone but I have fixed the issue after some further research. B184 and b184lc are different pinouts. After comparing datasheets I found the pinout differences, desoldered the transistor and reinstalled it with the pins corrected and all is well now!
I was getting a clean tone but I have fixed the issue after some further research. B184 and b184lc are different pinouts. After comparing datasheets I found the pinout differences, desoldered the transistor and reinstalled it with the pins corrected and all is well now!
I was thinking it was either a jack issue or li out issue. Glad you got it going.
I had this exact same problem in my build. Isn’t it great to learn?
That it is! I feel like many people may run into this problem as most of us source our parts from tayda and when you type in b184 on taydas sight it pops up with the b184lc. Mostly the same number, and the same package, but different pinouts.
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