How to use Arachnid Board as a single effect


Active member
I have a spare Arachnid board that I am looking to make into a single effect. I have programmed the effect into slot 0 on the eeprom and left the others blank, testing this in my full arachnid build it is working perfectly with every position on the 1P8T playing the effect.
The idea will be to exclude the 1P8T switch in this single effect build.

My main question is which components can I exclude as the switching effects is not required?
I have compared against the Deflector schematic thinking it is only a single effect FV-1 board and got a tad lost....Any assistance greatly appreciated!
The schematic shows the switching portion, D2-D10 and the 3 pulldown resistors. It uses a combination of 3.3v signals on pins 16,17,18 to switch effects. I would start by just not populating any of those diodes. The 3 pins are for binary counting between 0 and 7, so all 3 with just the pulldown resistors is equivalent to selecting program 0 (the first one)

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No hardwiring, just leave the diodes out for program 0.

The bit values on pin 15,16,17 decide which program plays.

000 = program 0
001 = program 1
010 = 2
011 = 3
100 = 4
101 = 5
110 = 6
111 = program 7

0v means bit = 0
3.3V means bit = 1

The 100k Rs pull all 3 pins down by default. The rotary and diodes work together to apply 3.3V to some of the pins based on the rotary sw position.