Integrating AMT Pangea IR module into Sunn T preamp


New member
I'm talking about this module and this preamp by GuitarPCB. Since I enjoy Stoner/Sludge/Doom style metal the Sunn T has always been on my list especially since it's been used for bass also and I'm a bass player. The thing is since I play with distortion I need some sort of cab sim when going direct. Bummed me out that the Sunn T pre couldn't replace my Sansamp. Then someone suggested this module to me. I just knew their boxes/pedals for IR loaders. I ordered one right away. That way I can put a Dr. Bonkers IR of a 60s vintage pre-Fener Sunn 2x15 bass cab on there and go direct. How awesome is that?!

My EHX Nano Battalion bass pre has a quarter inch out that can put out both balanced and unbalanced signals. Could this easily be done with the module and the preamp, the module being switch activated? That way I could go both direct (balanced) with module on or hang the pre in front of amp/cab (unbalanced) with module off.

Do I get this right?