IVP clean blend mod


Well-known member
I’m thinking of doing some non standard wiring for my IVP preamp. Can someone who has completed one bridge these 2 connections and see if it is worth while as a setting. 1734195385555.jpeg
What it should do is engage both the clean and tube voices. Sort of like a clean blend setting both clean and tube drive should work in this setting.

If someone gives it a shot let me know how it went.
Have you tried this yet, DD?

You mention bridging them, which to me means sending the clean to the tube (or vice versy)...
"What it should do is engage both the clean and tube voices."
Both channels on but in parallel? Or...?

Ahh helps to look at the whole schematic.

Maybe you can figure a way to toggle in this:

SimpleBlend schematic Depth Charge Prescription.jpg

Ideally a toggle (or stomper) would negate the channel switching and bring in the blend-pot, but return the pedal to stock channel-usage (if so desired) when off. The blender-circ above would stand in for R46 and R47 when engaged. I'm guessing a 4PDT would do, but I haven't worked through all the connections that would entail.

One thing I can tell you, the area with the red circles is NOT where you want to insert bypass stompers for the loops — if you wanted bypasses for the loops.

I'm planning on using angled pin-headers to tilt the daughterboard to vertical, offboard wire the 3PDTs to the daughterboard — then I can sneak in the 2 stompers for the Pre-Voice and Post-Voice FX loops.

However now you have me wondering about having the clean and tube-fuzz blended ...

What's the transformer doing on the TUBE side? Is it just adding tubey goodness, or does it also invert phase? Serves some other purpose?
Hey FF, You know there aren't many Animal Alliteration (AA?) screen name folks here.

I haven't gotten too far on this it's about number 10 in my pile I have been sidetracked with some home projects and my Rat PCB design.

What I was considering was something like this. Bridging these two connections and then just using the clean and tube pots to control the mix and running them in parallel. Kind of similar to the Moffetta's bright and normal channels. You do bring up a good point about the signal possibly being inverted. I'm not 100% sure what phase this ends up as. I want to say with IC6B and IC7B both being inverting then coming out non inverted that with IC6A inverting that it gets to IC 7B inverted and then corrected but I don't know or sure. 1736812961767.png
I am considering getting rid of the tube/clean switch entirely and just having 2 3pdt 1 for the EQ half on and off and one for the drive side on and off. I was also thinking the angled header pin plan would probably be good then I could probably just go point to point from 3PDT breakout boards. If you were cleaver with headers and sockets you could possibly even make it so you could go back to stock if desired.

It feels a little off the rails to go messing with the design of this project so much but the way it's currently laid out I don't know if I could see myself using it that much. With the changes it could be pretty flexible.

I'm in the thinking part of making a loop switcher similar to the Carl Martin Octa Switch. My hope is to use that at some point in the future to handle all loop switching.
"It feels a little off the rails to go messing with the design of this project so much"

Nah man, that's what DIY is all about, going off the rails and making something useful to YOU!
It's not like you're messing with a vintage Ludwig Synth pedal and killing the resale value by modding the crappola out of it.

"I am considering getting rid of the tube/clean switch entirely and just having 2 3pdt 1 for the EQ half on and off and one for the drive side on and off."

That's an excellent idea... Need to be careful with levels.

My friend's been messing with gain pedals in his EHX Parallel Mixer and each time he adds a gain pedal in parallel the volume jumps up considerably. Gotta be a way around that with this IVP. I really like the idea of having separate stompers for both channels instead of an A/B-stomper.

I love the OLD Gig Rig Pro14, CM Octa Switch, and Flex Reaction Series, etc type loop-switchers.

A friend had a Flex Reaction 44, for a short time, but I wasn't given the chance to trace it so I could build one for myself.


They're discontinued now, I think the smallest FR loop-switcher now available is a 6-channel.