Jlcpcb and tariffs


Well-known member
Saw over on a reddit thread some people
Talking about the delivery comoanjes requiring is customers to pay some fee? Any truth to this? And if yes does anyone know does it also hit the slow boat (what i ussually use anyways)
Placed my order on Jan 31, US time, and it arrived in LA yesterday or today (did the slow boat). I think I technically beat the heat, but I'll let you know if there's anything additional that's due.
Saw over on a reddit thread some people
Talking about the delivery comoanjes requiring is customers to pay some fee? Any truth to this? And if yes does anyone know does it also hit the slow boat (what i ussually use anyways)
I have four orders that shipped via their cheap option due for delivery in the next couple days. I'll post an update if there are any tariff or fee shenanigans.
No additional fees on 4 orders I placed at varying times of the de minimis rule changes with the global direct saving shipping option. Each order was pretty small though, at most 10 pcbs.
My package arrived today. Marked as all fees paid, so I made it before the deadline?

Placed my order on Jan 31, US time, and it arrived in LA yesterday or today (did the slow boat). I think I technically beat the heat, but I'll let you know if there's anything additional that's due.