Library options? And a couple other noob thoughts


Well-known member
Just starting to dive into this. Sent my first gerber to jlc last night hoping I dint end up with 5 coasters. Ive been using rullywow and have been able to edit/add some things to suit my wants/needs. But are there any other free libraries out there that work with diptrace? Madbeans is eagle only? Theres some things in rullywow I don’t love and have been able change it up a little, still learning a bit. But other options would be nice to see.

Also for starting out and simpler designs is the auto router ok?

My work flow went layout schem, convert to pcb, place pots/switches, ins/outs/power first. Then do my best to group components by rat lines and how makes sense. Then i just ran the auto router and went for it. Had no errors pop up so i exported it all and ordered the pcbs 🤞.
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Autoroute tools are getting better as the technology progresses, but the autoroute is only as good as your design rules. Personally I don't trust it enough to actually use it because it takes more time to set the rules up properly than it does to route the board manually. Default rules typically don't take things into account like separating sensitive signals to avoid crosstalk/instability, routing analog signals near a DC reference for stability/noise, etc. Use of autoroute doesn't seem to be very common in typical pedal designs. If it's simple enough to use autoroute, it's simple enough to easily route it by hand.

There are pedal-specific libraries out there, I always used the rullywow library (I have a link somewhere if you're interested) but I know there are others around.
There are pedal-specific libraries out there, I always used the rullywow library (I have a link somewhere if you're interested) but I know there are others around.
I have rullywow already, in fact I think I found it from your post on diystompboxes. I was hoping to check some others out. It works but theres things that I want, that Ive kind of managed to make myself though just wondering if theres something better.

Sheepylove library or GTFO. I just pretend trace routing is a puzzle game to connect dots without crossing lines and it becomes really fun

I think maybe i shouldve tried something a little simpler for my first. Did a muff mids switch and diode switching. Hoping since its not really
High gain and no lfo or clock ticking to worry about nothing should be too sensitive. Ill feel like if it works for my first attempt ill be happy lol