DEMO Like stacks n stacks of Rats on rafts

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To sate my own curiosity and desire to constantly build stuff, I recently whipped up a bunch of Rat variants. Didn't go heavy on the mods, but I'll note what changes I've made to each one. 1000029912.jpg

First up, the rat0log (Triad Distortion).

I decided to replace the diodes with Nanolog N2 and N3 clipping devices, and use an on/off/on toggle for a total of three options. The Nanologs aren't made anymore, but they're interesting things. The N2 is their equivalent to typical silicon diodes, while the N3 is their answer to LEDs. They both offer a much more gradual response than the traditional equivalents. Some have said tube-like, and I can't speak on that, but they do sound great and have a wide dynamic swing.

The only other tweak to this one is I replaced the 560r with a 470 for a smidge more gain and tightness in the low-end. ECG938 metal can for the mojo

Next, is the Pandora's Box

I opted for infrared LEDs for the clipping to give it more play on the response. ECG938, and 560r replaced with 470 as above


No tweaks to this one, other than using a 2N7000, as those are the only MosFETS I keep stocked. D9V for the germanium. ECG938 used

rat basstard (Frajeelay)

I have this one and on/off/on toggle, and moved the LEDs (infrared) to the center position, so it's got Germanium (D9K), LED, and silicon clipping options. ECG938, and 560r replaced with 470.

I've also modified the clean buffer section into a boost to bolster the versatility


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Hen's Tooth

Only tweak to this one is the Nanolog N2 in place of the silicon diodes

Pepper Box
I used an LM108h in the clipping stage, and an OP-07 in place of the second 308.
Used a 150r in place of R3 to give the Low trimpot a bit more range

Pumbaa 1000029729.jpg

I used a metal can OP-07, and replaced the 560r with a 470

Cannon Fodder mki
Metal can LM307, and Nanolog N2. Replaced blast toggle with momentary footswitch

Dirty DRV 1000029728.jpg

No tweaks, except NOS LF353s in place of the 072s and I used some high vf Germaniums (0.8vf)
After all that, my favorite by far is still the more traditional Rat (both silicon and LED)- It's simple and it's range is huge.
I really enjoyed building and playing with each of these, but I'll definitely stick with the more standard variants as my go-to.

My least favorite of this bunch is the DRV- beyond the frequencies it boosts, it's not really a Rat at all. Even the Rats low gain tones are a ton scuzzier, and this just has too much polish. It does sound great though, but I think it works better more as an alternative to a Klon type drive

Bonus - Mosky King Rat "TI" OP-07 vs Motorola LM308H
This is an awesome thread. I had never heard of ECG938. I may have to track one down and try it out. I have infrareds in my C2C Lab Rat. I haven't tried the nanologs but I will be on the look out for some of those too. Lots of cool info in here thanks for posting all that.
This is an awesome thread. I had never heard of ECG938. I may have to track one down and try it out. I have infrareds in my C2C Lab Rat. I haven't tried the nanologs but I will be on the look out for some of those too. Lots of cool info in here thanks for posting all that.

I don't see these or the NTE equivalent much anymore, but they're a cool alternative to the 308