DEMO Mammal Overdrive (J. Rockett Animal)

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Well-known member
I don't remember what prompted me to order this board, it was probably one of "coupon code" late night lying in bed with my iPad purchases..... :ROFLMAO:
But I didn't know much about it until doing some research before building it yesterday.

The J. Rockett Animal is supposed to be a Plexi style Amp in a box type pedal.
I really like how it sounds but for the most part it looks like a YATS with some clipping mods. The clippers are pairs of 914s and 1n4001's.
I'm beginning to see why @HamishR likes that combination for clippers.
The gain is very smooth.

Does it sound like a Plexi? Well, yes and no. I compared it the ROG Thor, which is the most authentic sounding plexi that I've built yet.
The Thor sounds more like an amp whereas most other "Plexi" style pedals sound like.....well.....pedals. And usually they have way more gain than a Plexi.

The Mammal kinda fits into this category, it's more towards a JCM800/2204 level of gain than Plexi.
However, you can back off the gain, toggle off the "Snarl", turn up the treble control and get a convincingly plexi kind of sound.

The "Snarl" toggle adds more compression, more saturation and a bit more low mids for some very cool overdriven sounds.

Definitely a recommended build for a Marshall style overdrive and it sounds better than most MIAB's.

Super easy build with not many components. I used a Silver Mica for the 220p cap. Somehow I have a snot load of 220p silver mica caps.

The demo I recorded is also a demo for my new Tokai SG with the Wolftone Pickups.



Thank you for introducing me to this! What a kickass song!
Way before you were a twinkle in your dad's eye hahahah.

I saw Heart on their "Dog & Butterfly" tour. Must have been 1979-ish.

What high point in their career! And what a line up and chemistry in that band. Just a fantastic time for them. Roger Fisher, Howard Leese, Michael Derosier, Steve Fossen and or course Ann and Nancy. Ann Wilson is the most powerful female voice in rock n roll history. Still is....