Missing Build Docs / Schematics

I think the tall box is the only type of effect I've never actually used. I'd be afraid of having one of my spasms and swallowing half the tubing
At least the way I have used it, the end of the tube is only a few inches past the end of the microphone it is strapped to the side of. So you'd have to take the mic and stand with it to swallow half the tube. Safety is #1, or maybe #2 (we do huff solder fumes), so better safe than sorry I suppose.
At least the way I have used it, the end of the tube is only a few inches past the end of the microphone it is strapped to the side of. So you'd have to take the mic and stand with it to swallow half the tube. Safety is #1, or maybe #2 (we do huff solder fumes), so better safe than sorry I suppose.
So, back in my harsh noise days, almost swallowing an SM57 was kind of my shtick. I imagine my throat has only dilated with age 😔

I should probably give one a go at some point, I do love making malfunctioning robot noises
So, back in my harsh noise days, almost swallowing an SM57 was kind of my shtick. I imagine my throat has only dilated with age 😔

I should probably give one a go at some point, I do love making malfunctioning robot noises
I was trying to think of a mic swallowing example and couldn't get the brain cells working. Iggy Pop would have been a good one, I think.

I was also gonna say, "I am not here to kink shame. If swallowing microphones is your thing, by all means, enjoy." Probably should have just left that in, we're all adults here (I think).
So, back in my harsh noise days, almost swallowing an SM57 was kind of my shtick. I imagine my throat has only dilated with age 😔

I should probably give one a go at some point, I do love making malfunctioning robot noises
I tried googling for the "largest dynamic microphone in the world", but SEO has ruined the internet.

I did find this which probably won't fit in your mouth

...but it might be a bit on the bassy side.

I was also gonna say, "I am not here to kink shame. If swallowing microphones is your thing, by all means, enjoy." Probably should have just left that in, we're all adults here (I think).
I think someone was at least acting like a child earlier in the thread, but I hope they left by now.

no comments. )))))

no comments. )))))
I was the first person (in February prior to the post you linked to) to have an issue with that particular build (bad JFet) and @Robert sent me the schematic and refdes to troubleshoot in like a day or two, which I've since shared to others with issues and possible mods on that particular board.

You really shouldn't let the lack of a PDF get in the way of building yourself a cool pedal. All the parts needed for a stock build are neatly laid out on the board, and with even a few minutes looking the board over, you should have an idea of what goes where as far as mods are concerned. As I've said- this community is full of great people that are typically happy to help where they can. Out of almost 700 available boards, there's been ONE with an issue that couldn't be solved and that is likely due to a single component not having a modern day substitute

Coming in and making demands, as you've done, really won't help your cause. And at this point you're just pushing it

PedalPCB does what they do, and they do it well- just look at the expansive build report section. If not having a PDF available (despite your claim to being averse to painting by numbers, might I add), then perhaps these boards aren't right for you. Try PCBGuitarMania, they've got docs for days
Chagrin and bare it... [sic]

...bear-ly. [sic]

There was an old guy at the Soap Box Derby here (held a few weeks ago) who was trying to take a photo of his grandkid. As safety co-ordinator, I happened to be at the start ramp when he was trying to take the photo. I quickly ushered him off to the side of the course and he started complaining I was ruining his photo. I explained that he was about to get creamed by a quad-bike that was towing carts back up the hill, the cordon was for his own safety (and that of others) and shouldn't be crossed.
He called me a Dick. Said I was ruining the fun for everyone.

His grandkid was probably more mature and probably understood that everyone and everything doesn't stop for him alone and that the world doesn't revolve around him. Some people don't grow up, they think they're the centre of the universe and throw a temper-tantrum when things don't go their way. No matter how you explain the facts of life, that person just isn't ever going to get reason. I wanted to tell gramps that he should go somewhere else if he wanted to become a hood-ornament on a vehicle, and not on my watch — but I remained firm & polite.

I'm having deja-vu the last few pages. All the regulars, helpful and polite throughout as always... but to no end.

May as well...

I didn't know these books existed... Thanks for that. Good reading material.
I have a link to a massive Google Drive folder with that book along with many others. I can share it but I just want to make sure that I am not violating any TOS or forum rules by sharing the link.

(Does anyone know if it’s cool?)

EDIT: Here is the link.

Includes everything from Electronic Projects by Craig Anderton to Small Signal Audio Design by Douglas Self to Wampler’s earlier stuff to Guitar Electronics for Musicians.

Huge thanks to 1337ll4ma5 on Reddit.
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I have always wanted that book but used copies are not cheap. I always hear references to the book. There are several popular pedals that are based on projects in the book but I can’t remember off the top of my head.
I would love to have the angry andy (AT+) scheme too. Can anyone let me know if it is possible to build it without the docs?
I had a JHS AT+ and recall it sounded an awful lot like a tube screamer into a crunch box, so you could look to those schematics for guidance if you’re really curious. It was also penetratingly bright. FYI.

But yeah, you don’t need the docs to know what to put on the board.
Like others said, the values are on the PCB - I've built the Scenario preamp without any issues and no build docs. If you want the BOM earlier so you can order necessary parts, here's that one https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/angry-andy-plus.16688/
it was the scheme i was after, particularly the boost. i have an actual JHS at+ that i bought brooken and its the boost section i need to look at.