Modifying the Sunflower Fuzz with 2SB173 and 175


New member
Hi, I decided to build a sunflower fuzz as my first ever build and was looking to change up the transistors with a 2SB173 (hfe: 75 leakage: 59) for Q1 and 2SB175 (hfe: 142 leakage: 210) for Q2. I want to attempt this as I love the 2SB17x line of transistors, but need some help as this is my first build. How exactly would I need to modify the rest of the components and what should I keep in mind when attempting this build? Would using two different lines of transistors cause any issue? (I intended to use just 175s but couldn‘t find a low hfe one.) Thanks a lot in advance, any help is appreciated!
You can try any PNP without mods. No problem with mixing up transistors as long as you are not changing PNP for NPN, etc.
Now, I'm not sure how the leakage of those 2SBs will translate. Hopefully some of the FF gurus will pop in on that.
If your leakage unit of measurement is uA they'll be fine

RG Keen recommends leakage of up to 300uA / 0.3Ma
Use sockets for trannies In your early builds … dab of hot glue at the legs when your content on keeping them there… That way you can audition and set bias and get used to playing around… later on you’ll start punching them in straight to the board and winging it 😎