Mojito Deluxe and ADHD Ge (OPP)


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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
OPP=Other Peoples Pedals:)

Built these two for my buddy.

Buttoned up the Mojito this morning, man, it's been a while since I played mine, what an awesome overdrive/distortion pedal!

I managed to find some BA482's for this build which I did not use on my own build which I could not find at the time. I wound up using a pair of 2N5457's wired up as clippers. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the two pedals.

I also used 1N4004's on this build, as I recall I didn't have any of those either when I built mine and used 4001's.

Color scheme and knobs were his choice. Just so happens to be my favorite as well heh, I seem to have a lot of Tayda Sand Grey with cream knob pedals. I pushed the footswitches out a bit for more toe room for stomping.



He also wanted an OCD Ge like the one I built for myself.

Pretty much identical to the one I built, using my "mojo" Mullard Ge diodes. Are they magic? Well, no, but I like how they sound. Very creamy overdrive.
Oh and standard true bypass, I didn't use the buffered bypass board.

