Moonn Turboboi 4000


Well-known member
Behold, the TURBOBOI 4000: another - quote - "noisy fucker" from Moonn. It's basically his Schwurbel into a delay. You might have seen the great, recent Ultra Schurbel build report (by @jcpst) with its gnarly sound file - pretty cool, innit? Now this one here is just one Schwurbel, but - and that's a nice extra - you can turn on/off the modulation. I put that on a mini toggle switch and turning it off takes out a big chunk of the crazyness, mainly leaving a mean and nasty sqware wave fuzz.

And then the fuzz, with or without modulation, goes through a pretty lo-fi delay circuit which gives you, in total, ..... well, sonic signal destruction at its best.
There's also a Feedback momentary footswitch on the delay side, if you want to go completely nuts.
Not for the faint of heart, but a boatload of noisy fun.

Nils recommended a JJ enclosure, adding that it might maybe fit a BB - and yes, it does fit a BB sideways, just make sure you don't line up the thing too low as I did. I was short 1-2 mm to put in the foot switch and therefore hacked it by bending the legs of the pots a bit. No biggie, worked fine.

I was eyeing that Turboboi when I did my order from them, but I think I didn’t get it because I grabbed the Drömtydning instead. It’s also a dirty PT2399 abuser. I think I would like that mod off switch!

Artwork and build are killer.
Since I found the fuzz kill stomp switch useless on the dromtydning, a reddit user posted that he rerouted that to bridge the volume pot of the modulation section effectively canceling the modulation.

Going to try it (even though I don't know how to do it, actually).
I was eyeing that Turboboi when I did my order from them, but I think I didn’t get it because I grabbed the Drömtydning instead. It’s also a dirty PT2399 abuser. I think I would like that mod off switch!

Artwork and build are killer.
Turning off the MOD also brings back the low end, so for me as a bass player, that's a good thing.