Muzzle Classic Low underlying noise with high gain


New member
I've got a Muzzle Classic that isnt cutting out all noise. When stacking distortion/fuzz on top of a high gain signal, im still getting a low level of the noise that should be gated. I've checked the solder connections multiple times, tried adding a 3rd ground wire to the key input, isolating the jacks, but can't seem to track down what is wrong. It's supposed to be COMPLETELY silent, correct?
depends on where the noise is coming from for example power amp section if you are running in fx loop, if not in fx loop then of course in the amp itself

you should probably clean all the flux off your board, all those pointy solder joints means too much solder and should've should be trimmed or reflowed (judging from this side im assuming its like that on the back)

also have you tried the high and low side of the switch? cuz with that type of switch, you are actually in the low setting
Thanks for the help, I've tried both sides of the range switch, noise is still there. Using the effects loop of my amp and key input as well, early 90s mesa recto. Running an 808 and boss hm2. I'll try to clean the board up, a friend built this for me, and I wanted to make sure I had enough solder on the pads. Still getting the hang of things solder wise.
Gotcha so tube, both sides of the switch didn't help, running it in fx loop, im guessing its something in the power amp, maybe the tubes are wearing out, or maybe its just normal noise cant say for sure. But cleaning it up could help if there's any random short from the extra solder sticking out, also cleaning up the flux can help make sure random little bits of metal dont stick to the board and short random stuff out. (not that that happened but its always good just in case, toothbrush and isopropyl)
For sure, I'll give that a shot. I plan on retubing the mesa soon, it needs it. I am running everything through a power conditioner and isolated power supply, trying to keep it as low noise as I can. I get the same issues through my 5150 so I was assuming it was a pedal issue.
For sure, I'll give that a shot. I plan on retubing the mesa soon, it needs it. I am running everything through a power conditioner and isolated power supply, trying to keep it as low noise as I can. I get the same issues through my 5150 so I was assuming it was a pedal issue.
Can you explain the noise in a little greater detail. I think I know what you’re talking about and it may be normal. Is it constant? In other words if your standing still and not playing at all can you still hear it? Does it happen when you run your fingers up or down the wound strings lightly you get a faint sound of it that sounds like it’s way off in the distance
Yes to both, just sounds like the signal at a much lower level. The gate functions, just wasn't sure if that was normal
It may be something else. I’ve built two of em. I run it in the loop of a 5150 with the key input. If I’m not playing anything it’s pretty much dead silent. When I do the finger slide thingy ultra light on the wound strings I can barely here it like it’s really far away. Both of my muzzles do it.