Muzzle ground issue


New member
Newbie here. I wasn’t going to bother the forum asking because it might be useless, but then I thought “someone might see something.” Any suggestions are welcome.

The issue is when I plugged into the jack on the left (output), I receive a loud grounding buzz. Nothing else is plugged in aside from power. I don’t see any other connections touching. I thought I was also very careful installing all components, etc, but I did something wrong.
My guess is it has to do with the output jack and/or ground but I don’t see anything. Any thoughts folks?


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I can't see any Ground wires going to Top Jacks or Power Supply!
Follow the Wiring diagram in the Build Documents.
Plug into the Top Jacks, the Left one is Input, the Right is Output in your picture.
I can't see any Ground wires going to Top Jacks or Power Supply!
Follow the Wiring diagram in the Build Documents.
Plug into the Top Jacks, the Left one is Input, the Right is Output in your picture.
I believe there are two Muzzle types. The “classic” and the normal one. This is the normal one. On the instructions, it doesn’t show a ground wire. I will check this when I get home, but I only saw one connection to the power and the jacks only go to the tip and tip switch connection. I’m new to this so I will check again though
The jacks that you have marked "In" and "Out" are the Key/Passthrough jacks, the jacks at the top are your actual Input and Output jacks.

Your 3PDT wiring and Input / Output jacks (at the top) look correct (although they do need ground wires, as well as the DC jack), but the Key jacks aren't wired correctly.

This shows which lugs of your jack are the actual Switched Tip and Tip jacks, compare this to the wiring diagram in the previous post.

This the one you have built, It can't work without Ground Wires !

View attachment 3106

Music6000, I’m so mad, but also so happy. Take a look at what I was working off of. Note the wires to the power. Aaagh! Now it all makes sense. Thanks

for anyone coming into this conversation late, it appears my printer had an issue printing and I could see 3 wires! Power wire and 2 input and output wires.
I was wondering how it could work with only 1 wire to each jack, but on my printout, it was clear as day! Time to get a new printer.


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Ok. I’ve connected the input and output jacks and 3 ground wires I was missing. I will admit, I didn’t connect the little wire on the power jack, which I believe is ground to ground. I just didn’t notice it because it was a small line added by Music6000. I’ll get that.

I also added a few other pics from different angles. Music6000 and Nostrdoomus mentioned that my key input and pass through jacks were connected incorrectly. I think I need another set of eyes so I’ll ask my kids to take a look. In the meantime, however, I swear I thought I had the tip and tip (switch) connections correct. I still get a loud ground buzz so I’m still wrong. Any thoughts?


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Are you using the Key/Pass-through jacks in your test, or just the Input / Output jacks?

Do you have sound in bypass, or does it buzz then too?
I plugged into the input and output. I have sound! My guitar sound comes through without any effect from my diy build. Great.

I then clicked my switch (Stompbox button) and all sound is gone. Dead silence. I then attempt to plug into the key input and pass through. I plugged into the Key input and the the ground is loud. Now that I think of it, I think I lost all sound from the guitar too.
Your TL072 is upside down, the indented circle indicates pin 1.

How did I miss that? :ROFLMAO:

Also the Blue wire going between your Key / Pass-through jacks is going to the wrong lug.
Move it to the lug with the Yellow wire.

Your pass-through jack isn't grounded so they aren't going to work until you box it up (or add a ground wire).
Normal operation through the In/Out jacks will work without using the Key jacks.
Your TL072 is upside down, the indented circle indicates pin 1.
Nostradoomus and PedalPCB, I do want to apologize for my rookie moves. It's extremely embarrassing to even ask some of these questions. I will admit I'm very thankful. The learning curve is a tough one. Thank you for the time. I'll be working on this when I get off work!

P.S. PedalPCB, "or add a ground wire" because I haven't installed everything into the box. Agh. I was wondering about that. Sheesh. Lots to learn.
I do want to apologize for my rookie moves.

Don't apologize, you'll get there. :)

I still plug pedals in backwards all the time (or forget to plug in the DC) then rip everything apart in a rage because "The damned thing just isn't working"..... It happens.

The wiring diagram on this one is a little confusing anyway and needs to be improved, it can be tough to identify the lugs on the jacks.

Just an added note, if it still doesn't work after turning the TL072 around you might need to replace it. Sometimes they survive reverse polarity, sometimes they do not. Might not be a bad idea to just replace it anyway if you have one.