SOLVED Muzzle led not working correctly

I just finished my muzzle and the led is staying solid red whole turned on instead of switching between red and green while playing no matter how I adjust the knob or flip the h/l switch. I tested it while in an enclosure, while out, using sidechain jacks, without sidechain jacks, tested the led before installing with a cr2032 battery. The legs are not shorting. It's common cathode.
(everything else seems to work correctly besides the led)


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Cleaned circuit board with rubbing alcohol, took out the led tested led again, put it back in, tested pedal, still no.
It seems to change color a touch like its adding a little yellow to the red and making it sort of orange, but not switching to full green.
I believe with this circuit it doesn't switch the red off and green on when it's letting signal through, but rather the red is always on and when signal is let through the green is also on. So you effectively get only red when it's gating, and both colours when it's passing signal.

It could just be that the green side of your bi-colour LED is a bit weak. Do you have another you could try?
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hm maybe so (edit: checked review of the real zuul at least and switches completely to green)
I do have another but its from the same company and testing it with a cr2032 it seems just as bright as when i tested the other. (though i'm sure in the actual circuit it runs at higher than 1.5)
should i change the current limiting resistors for the led's instead then?/has anyone else had this problem?
like maybe switch r21 to 3k or 4.7k?
if it helps i used
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I haven't built one myself yet, but I've been keeping an eye on the forums because it's on my list.

Lowering the resistance of the CLR could help but it would also make the red brighter too, so you'd have to experiment.
Oh if there's separate CLR's you should be sweet! Sorry, I'm not overly familiar with the circuit.

Try lowering R21 and/or increasing r22. Might be best to use sockets so you don't burn out the pcb pads.

Based on the schematic these values won't affect how the IC works.


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The only thing about that is, i looked at what clr you'd use for that led at different voltages and 5.6k is not what youd use, so im kinda confused, because youd only use 390 ohm, not 5.6k, so i wonder if it has somewhat of a different function.

So i tested by just putting a 3k across the 5.6k resistors (path of least resistance etc..) and it didnt really help. it made the red one brighter as i'd expect, but didnt affect the green one really.

So i bridged the red leg to ground leg to test if the green one is working in the circuit, but then it made the green on when muted and cut out when sound goes through, (what the red should be doing) and when i bridged green to ground the red was mostly at half light which i guess makes sense based on how i could guess that part of the circuit operates, but i still cant figure out how to fix it.
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As mentioned earlier, the LED shouldn't switch to completely red at any time. It'll be Green when open and Orange (green + red) when gated.

It sounds like your LED is installed backwards. The Green side should stay lit the entire time the pedal is active, Red should switch with the gate.