Hello ! I'm quite new to pedal building (it's my 4th build), so i'm sorry if the newbies question have already been ask. My problem is about the capacitors on the New Apostle kit, espacially the C2 (10u), C7 (1n) and C26 (1u). For the C7 and C26 the code on the capacitor are "1nj63 1N8" (this one is blue, fisrt time I have a blue film capacitor and not a cream one) and "1J63" right ? For the C2 I don't know what is the code, I've got left a 10uF electrolytic capacitor but the socket is clearly for a film capacitor, could it be a mistake from the guy who make the kit ? My second concern is for the rotary switch, first time i've got that kind of stuff in a build. How am I suppose to solder the capacitors on it ? Anyone have a pic ? I understand that I got one capacitor per position, so six capacitors from 1n to 68n ( 1nj63 1N8, 4n7j100, 10nj100, 22nj100, 47nj100 and 68nj100), but I don't kow what to solder and where. On my switch I've got 1 to 12 pins around the switch, in the middle A and C pins, and B D little stuff. I don't knowk either how to solder the switch on the PCB, I've got two sockets for it, one square and the other round.
I hope I've been clear, english is not my native language
I hope I've been clear, english is not my native language