New to PedalPCB, making my first parts lists - a couple quick questions


New member
Hey guys, I'm a relatively new builder and so far I've built 3 pedals (mostly BYOC kits). Decided to take the plunge here after learning about the Low Tide and seeing a bunch of other cool stuff here. I've got the Low Tide, Leprechaun, Delegate (Boneyard), Procrastinator, and DuoCast boards on the way! I've made my parts lists but I have a couple questions before looking everything up on Tayda etc (I'm aware there will be a bit of a wait for the V3207D for the Low Tide). Sorry for the wall of text, it might be more effective for me to ask the pedal-specific questions in their own threads but I'll try this first so as not to spam the board with noob questions.

1. None of the parts lists mention sockets for the IC's. I know the Leprechaun is going to require me to surface-mount the Spin FV-1, but can I use sockets for the other pedals? Do I need to worry about different values for the sockets or can I order any old sockets as long as they have the proper amount of holes for the chip?

2. The lists also don't mention jacks, so similar question to the sockets - can I use any jacks? Any that you'd recommend? Some of the kits I've built so far have had different jacks and I'm not sure if theres any real reason for that

3. Some of the build docs say that the resistors have to be 1/4W, while others don't say anything. Can I just order all 1/4W resistors and use them for the pedals that don't mention size/values?

4. One the boards I ordered (Leprechaun) requires a bunch of 1u capacitors, most say they need to be MLCC but one is Electrolytic. For the other boards that don't say what type of capacitors, will I be screwed if I try to use MLCC instead of Electrolytic of vise versa?

I also have a couple specific questions about the kits that I ordered:

Leprechaun -
I read something about the Spin FV-1 being programmed by developers, so does that mean that I need to order the Spin FV-1 from PedalPCB or can I order it from anywhere?

The expression jack just says it needs to be "switching TRS". What does that mean and how do I find the proper part for that?

One of the resistors on the list just says 470. Is this 470R or 470K?

A lot of the capacitors say they need a Minimum 35V working voltage, how do you know what the minimum working voltage is when ordering parts?

I saw a video of a guy doing a breakdown of the circuit and he said to make sure that your capacitors aren't rated for anything below 18V, so this question is pretty much the same as above - how do you know?

If you've read this far I really appreciate it and look forward to building these pedals!! Any help or pointers you can give would be greatly appreciated!
Sockets - It's never a bad idea to use sockets. You need DIP sockets with the correct number of pins for each IC. (In most cases 8-pin, but there are a few exceptions)
I use the plain leaf spring type and have never had any problems and don't plan to change now:
But some people swear by the machined type:
Either is fine.

Resistors -The majority of the projects use 1/4W resistors or will specify 1/8W when they are required, but there are a few of the older projects that might not indicate. You can usually look at the preview of the PCB and judge which size it will require. 470 is the same as 470R.

FV-1 - There is nothing special about the FV-1 IC sold here. The algorithms are not loaded on the FV-1 IC, they come on a pre-programmed EEPROM that is included with the PCB (with the exception of the Leprechaun, no EEPROM is required). You can source the FV-1 from any reputable vendor. (Smallbear, StompBoxParts, etc)

1/4 Jack - I use this type 1/4" jack for everything unless an insulated jack is required. These will work for the expression jack in the Leprechaun as well.

DC Jack - This is the style DC jack I use. Most of the projects can use the larger type, but there are one or two that simply don't have enough room. You can opt for the more expensive (and durable) Lumberg type in the same style.

Capacitors - MLCC (or film) should be specified when a non-polar capacitor is required. You can always use a non-polar capacitor in place of an electrolytic capacitor, but the inverse is not always true and you'd need to determine the correct orientation. Most electrolytic capacitors can be 16V - 25V if the circuit is to be powered on a standard 9V supply UNLESS you see a charge pump IC in the parts list (TC1044, ICL7660, LT1054), in these cases there may be higher voltages involved.
Is there nothing programmed required for the Leprechaun build then? Does it just tap into stock programming on the FV-1 or something? I’m just curious how the pedal does it’s effect without an EEPROM, and if it’s more analog, what the FV-1 does. Just wanted to know in case I can find FV-1s somewhere else if you happen to still be out. Thanks for all your hard work!
Is there nothing programmed required for the Leprechaun build then?
Correct. It uses one of the default internal programs of the FV-1.

You can get your FV-1 ICs from any reputable source, it never contains any custom programming. That will always be in the included EEPROMs.