Newbie Question about reading instructions


Well-known member
Hey everyone. New here, new to building (have 2 successful builds under my belt, no pedalpcb builds completed yet, but in progress).

Embarrassing question I can't find the answer to: On the instructions where it lists the components, what's the difference between a 100k resistor and an 100R?

Thanks in advance, and again sorry for the dumb question - just can't seem to find the answer anywhere!
Hey everyone. New here, new to building (have 2 successful builds under my belt, no pedalpcb builds completed yet, but in progress).

Embarrassing question I can't find the answer to: On the instructions where it lists the components, what's the difference between a 100k resistor and an 100R?

Thanks in advance, and again sorry for the dumb question - just can't seem to find the answer anywhere!
Welcome. That refers to the value, in ohms, of the resistor. 100R = 100 ohms. 100k = 100,000 ohms. Happy building!

Happy building!
The letter indicates the unit, the position of the letter is the decimal.

R = ohms
K = 1000 ohms
M = 1000000 ohms

100R is 100 ohms
100K = 100,000 ohms

4K7 is 4.7K (4700 ohms)

Thank you! I had all those down except the "R". Really appreciate your help!