Obsidian-Boss Metalizers Distortion

Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Still depressed AF so no demo as I haven't touched a guitar in weeks. On this installment of no one cares and doesn't read but just looks at pretty pictures is my build of the Aion Obsidian. It's a clone of the Boss digital Metalizer's analog distortion. The metalizer was an attempt of sorts at capturing the 80s glam metal sound. It's actually a cool and good sounding pedal. The modulation and delay effects are digital but the distortion is all analog.

It's not metal sounding distortion but a very good sounding rock distortion nonetheless. It's all discreet and has a good amount of drive and responds well to dynamics and playing. For the enclosure I went with a matte black tayda box and UV print. I built this back in early October so I'm almost cought up with the backlog of build reports. If anyone is struggling with their mental health remember to take care of yourself.
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Looks incredible my dude! That’s one circuit I’ve definitely been intrigued by— my backlog is way too big to go buying more Aion PCBs anytime soon, but when I eventually catch up a bit, I plan on building one of these and exploring using an FV-1 to emulate the digital side of the Mz-2.

Really sorry to hear you’re going through it rn. It’s a struggle I know well— don’t hesitate to reach out. I'm not always the quickest to respond, but yk I’m always down to talk.
Yes! Pretty Boss pics! So clean. Great job as always. I was always curious about this one. Especially how the delay and chorus sound
Thanks for sharing.

Pedal looks rad as always. I often end up reading up on Boss stuff I've never heard of after seeing your build reports.

The Boss site says there have been 120 models in the compact series. Do you know how many there are that you haven't built?
Nice! I wasn’t familiar with this pedal and now I’m interested. Killer build as always! Thanks for putting this circuit on my radar.
Wow! That's a lot of transistors. You take on builds I wouldn't touch with an iron for years. Always impressed and inspired to take on bigger and better projects by your posts.

I hope you know that people here value your work and seeing a GOTA build does brighten the day for many of us. You're not alone. Thanks for sharing.
That's a beaut!

I curious about this one, too. I'm always reluctant to build another drive pedal, but when I think about it, whenever I've found a new one I like, they've been some of my most satisfying builds :cool:
First off, I am sorry to hear that you are having a rough time. Depression is a bitch. I hope that turns take a turn for the better.

I look forward to your build reports and read every word of them. I have learned quite a bit from them. These a never stupid Boss builds, they are "oh hell, yeah, GotA Boss builds".
Very nice work on the pedal and demo.

As a person who has also had some struggles in my life I appreciate your openness in your post about discussing them. I hope things are going better for you and that you are finding the tools to help you get through it. My personal experience has been that although things still come up and can get me off track knowing the tools that help me and using them even though it is hard can get me back on track more quickly.