OD Volume pot lower than spec ?


As a general rule what effect does using a lower value volume potentiometer have on an overdrive pedal ? I ordered several A500k pots. They range from A440k to A480k. What difference should I hear ? In OD pedals the volume pot is usual the last or near the last component of the circuit.
With electric guitars a higher value lets more high frequencies pass through the circuit. It has to do with the load the value puts on the pickup. Hence Fender 250k vs Gibson 500k.
It's going to depend on the circuit and what comes before it, but generally you're creating a high pass filter. If you have a 500k pot and a 100nf capacitor before it, at maximum volume you're going to have a cut off of 3.1hz which will not be audible, and a 440k pot with the same capacitor would be 3.6hz, so not a noticeable difference, The same circuit with the 100nf capacitor and the volume at 10% of the pots value (halfway or a little before halfway depending on the pot with log taper), you have a filter of 31hz at 50k ohms. If you change that 500k pot for a 100k pot your filter range changes from 15.9hz to 159hz at 10% which would be cutting a bit of bass, however you can change the capacitor to compensate.
Thank You ! Much appreciated. I always over buy potentiometers picking out the closest to the spec value… Trying to control the consistency of the product. It also sets a strong base for modifying the circuit. The sonic output is the sum of the parts. The largest variance seems to be in the potentiometers. I didn’t know if I am being too picky ? ? ?
I've never bothered to measure a pot I used in a pedal. I don't know if I'm not picky enough, but the way I see it all parts have tolerances and as long as I've got the right nominal value, a bit of variance isn't going to matter. It might accidently improve the circuit.

I have measured pots for guitar, to figure out which to use on the neck versus the bridge.
Spec on a Humbucking Les Paul is 500k.
Late 1950s Les Pauls usually fall short of that.
I used to go through bags of potentiometers at a local shop looking for 425k. In that circuit it takes off the very high end. For instance if a 1 Meg pot is used… it adds more presence.