Pauper Trace (Duke of Tone) Normal Gain Option?


New member
I've owned a King of Tone for 16+ years and have always loved it the normal gain version. The Price of Tone and Duke of Tone are both based on the higher gain and both have a different mids focus with less bass than the KOT, so I wanted to figure out a modification to the circuit.
I traced the component numbering against the MXR PCB and checked component values.
There's several schematics of the normal vs high gain that indicate C1 as 22nf in the KoT and R32 as 1k vs 100k.
However, the Pauper circuit and the Duke both have the extra circled components below (as R34 and C31 to R31).
All schematics of the King of Tone don't seem to have these extra components, and they don't have the connection that R34 is created either.

Anyone able to comment on what these are doing?
It would seem that to create a version closer to the original normal gain KOT, I would need to:
-Remove R34
-Change R32 to 1k
-Replace C31 and R31 with a jumper

Duke Differences to Pauper.png