PCB594 + PCB378


New member

Working on a couple builds right now, this one being my second so i'm still a greenhorn. I wanted to ask about the indictator LED.. I do not wish to use the one on the daughter board.. I have voltage at the daughter board only right now measuring from "A" to "K". Nothing at the main board, my initial guess was to to jump the unused led pads. Is this correct? I gave it a shot, and still 0 Vdc at the main PCB "A" and "K" pads. what am I missing? Any good advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

Also Im aware my soldering is probably spotty at best looking, but this looks far better then my first build haha.
EDIT: as it is in the photos, with the ground of my meter on ground I read voltage at both side of the LED.

thumbnail_IMG_5347.jpg thumbnail_IMG_5346.jpg thumbnail_IMG_5345.jpg Lewis thumbnail_IMG_5349.jpg
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In addition, the pedal sounds great. but i'm trying to figure out this sound (see attached youtube link) i'm getting between 0 and 2 on my guitar volume. I'm not asking for a answer and want to diagnose it myself...but a little push in the right direction perhaps? thank you