Pedal decals

Some simple pedal stickers for those of us (me) too inept to learn to make them themselves would be way cool
I usually print duplicates of the waterslides I do, if you or anyone is interested I'll gladly mail them to you, assuming it's a pedal I've done
I usually print duplicates of the waterslides I do, if you or anyone is interested I'll gladly mail them to you, assuming it's a pedal I've done
THAT would be awesome. Very kind of you. I absolutely suck at doing graphics but every once in a while I'll try and give it a shot again(and that's only trying to do text only) I have actually printed 1 waterslide and f'd it all up didn't think to make 3 or 4 xtra. So the PedalPcb boards I've done and boxed up:
Bloodshot O.D.
Bolide Distortion
Bullrush OD
Cattledriver OD
Complex OD
OKKO Diablo +
Suhr Riot Reloaded
Dissarray Distortion
Tyrian Distortion
Vallhalla Distortion (Amazing pedal to me)
Deofol Distortion
Phase II
Circulator (Boxed but not working properlly)
Cataclysm Delay
Muffler Noise Gate (Non working)
Sea Horse
Nucleus OD
Soldat Distortion
Wonder Drive
Incredible Machine Distortion
Promethium Distortion
Utisol Distortion
Master Fuzz
Pathogen Distortion
Magnetron Delay
M800 Distortion (non-working)
Gauss Drive
If you do have any extras and don"t mind parting with any of them then let me know. It would be fantastic to do a pedal and have it look nice then maybe it'll help justify my fervor in building pedals to wife who likes to be all judgemental and stuff I asked her to build me one when she gets the time.
Still waiting
There is a bit of a learning curve to producing graphics in vector art programs. I'm still learning but it's worthwhile and extremely fun.
A steep hairpin of a learning curve for me. It just takes me forever to learn it ,that and my memory getting worse I'll be sitting there trying to learn and forget the steps just shown and in the back of my mind it's screaming "you could/should be playing instead of wasting your time on this" I mean honestly I just started to paint the boxes like 10 builds ago cause I'm more than happy that the pedal sounds good and works but it'd be nice for them to look as good as they sound too
THAT would be awesome. Very kind of you. I absolutely suck at doing graphics but every once in a while I'll try and give it a shot again(and that's only trying to do text only) I have actually printed 1 waterslide and f'd it all up didn't think to make 3 or 4 xtra. So the PedalPcb boards I've done and boxed up:
Bloodshot O.D.
Bolide Distortion
Bullrush OD
Cattledriver OD
Complex OD
OKKO Diablo +
Suhr Riot Reloaded
Dissarray Distortion
Tyrian Distortion
Vallhalla Distortion (Amazing pedal to me)
Deofol Distortion
Phase II
Circulator (Boxed but not working properlly)
Cataclysm Delay
Muffler Noise Gate (Non working)
Sea Horse
Nucleus OD
Soldat Distortion
Wonder Drive
Incredible Machine Distortion
Promethium Distortion
Utisol Distortion
Master Fuzz
Pathogen Distortion
Magnetron Delay
M800 Distortion (non-working)
Gauss Drive
If you do have any extras and don"t mind parting with any of them then let me know. It would be fantastic to do a pedal and have it look nice then maybe it'll help justify my fervor in building pedals to wife who likes to be all judgemental and stuff I asked her to build me one when she gets the time.
Still waiting
Well there are two or three on there I've done, Tyrian, Deoful and Sanguine, send me a snail mail and I'll send you those and a few others I have laying around
A steep hairpin of a learning curve for me. It just takes me forever to learn it ,that and my memory getting worse I'll be sitting there trying to learn and forget the steps just shown and in the back of my mind it's screaming "you could/should be playing instead of wasting your time on this" I mean honestly I just started to paint the boxes like 10 builds ago cause I'm more than happy that the pedal sounds good and works but it'd be nice for them to look as good as they sound too
If you keep things relatively simple, you can avoid much of the complicated aspects. (ie., Choose a design with no white or gloss and you can just leave out those 2 layers and make everything in one). If you do everything in one layer, you can use one of the cheaper programs instead of Illustrator as well. Also, don't choose graphics that overlap with text. There are still a few steps like making outlines for your text but it becomes much more manageable if you follow this.

If you are just printing on a laser printer at home, you could start with one of the Pachyderm templates and do everything in black. You could skip even more steps (like outlining the text).

What's the appeal of the Valhalla?
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What's the appeal of the Valhalla?
I love high gain pedals always stacking pedals for more gain the Valhalla can stand on it's own its a brutal pedal (at least mine is) I've built a few tight metal pedals which I love and Val has a nicer searing and a bit darker tone I'm always switching my pedals but just come back to this one more often
We all start somewhere. I went from sharpie, to dymo to vinyl labels to what I do now. I respect the effort!
Me too. Fool circle, minus using the printer and found sharpie to look the best. Its hard to pick the best thing out of a pile 'o shit but with enough time something starts to glimmer.
@dmnCrawler has some great resources on his website. I have used his stuff on all of my pedals (other than the ones designed by @SYLV9ST9R )

Indeed, a great ressource. It's always in my designs recommendations
THAT would be awesome. Very kind of you. I absolutely suck at doing graphics but every once in a while I'll try and give it a shot again(and that's only trying to do text only) I have actually printed 1 waterslide and f'd it all up didn't think to make 3 or 4 xtra. So the PedalPcb boards I've done and boxed up:
Bloodshot O.D.
Bolide Distortion
Bullrush OD
Cattledriver OD
Complex OD
OKKO Diablo +
Suhr Riot Reloaded
Dissarray Distortion
Tyrian Distortion
Vallhalla Distortion (Amazing pedal to me)
Deofol Distortion
Phase II
Circulator (Boxed but not working properlly)
Cataclysm Delay
Muffler Noise Gate (Non working)
Sea Horse
Nucleus OD
Soldat Distortion
Wonder Drive
Incredible Machine Distortion
Promethium Distortion
Utisol Distortion
Master Fuzz
Pathogen Distortion
Magnetron Delay
M800 Distortion (non-working)
Gauss Drive
If you do have any extras and don"t mind parting with any of them then let me know. It would be fantastic to do a pedal and have it look nice then maybe it'll help justify my fervor in building pedals to wife who likes to be all judgemental and stuff I asked her to build me one when she gets the time.
Still waiting
Wow, that is a lot of pedals to work through. I haven't found a better alternative to waterslide decals on my pedals unfortunately, since every one of them is a one-off. Processing vector graphics on Adobe programs can be challenging, definitely. I have usually found much more simple solutions for some of my pedals (though I haven't built as many as you have). Microsoft Publisher works great for simple designs. I use a lot of the shapes and fonts and just manipulate them till I get something that works. Microsoft Publisher is a pretty easy program and it has setup options that basically let you measure your designs to enough accuracy to work for both a drill template and for the art itself. Knowing nothing about Publisher, you can produce decent results.

I have an inkjet printer so I just clear waterslide decal paper, reverse image and go from there. I've attached an example of my last pedal. It's a PDF unfortunately, since this site won't let me post Publisher files. And I usually print multiples while I'm applying the decals and that way if I don't like how its going I just rip it off and start again. Very forgiving.

I've also bought some rub on transfer letters from this company:
I bought white rub on transfers from them. (White is of course near impossible without silk screening).


Wow, that is a lot of pedals to work through. I haven't found a better alternative to waterslide decals on my pedals unfortunately, since every one of them is a one-off. Processing vector graphics on Adobe programs can be challenging, definitely. I have usually found much more simple solutions for some of my pedals (though I haven't built as many as you have). Microsoft Publisher works great for simple designs. I use a lot of the shapes and fonts and just manipulate them till I get something that works. Microsoft Publisher is a pretty easy program and it has setup options that basically let you measure your designs to enough accuracy to work for both a drill template and for the art itself. Knowing nothing about Publisher, you can produce decent results.

I have an inkjet printer so I just clear waterslide decal paper, reverse image and go from there. I've attached an example of my last pedal. It's a PDF unfortunately, since this site won't let me post Publisher files. And I usually print multiples while I'm applying the decals and that way if I don't like how its going I just rip it off and start again. Very forgiving.

I've also bought some rub on transfer letters from this company:
I bought white rub on transfers from them. (White is of course near impossible without silk screening).
You could zip your file, the site allow that file extension....
You could zip your file, the site allow that file extension....

Pretty much all of this was done by using the shapes that are included in most Microsoft word processing programs. While it's not fancy or especially great, it is at least some very accessible art options that you can use.

Screenshot 2022-02-09 105710.png


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Only reason I can think is that zip files would at least require a user to manually execute any malicious code, where other file types might be automatically executed upon download.

It's just the default setting, wasn't my idea. :ROFLMAO:

EDIT: Just checked the configuration, it isn't that specific file types are blocked, there is a whitelist of allowed file extensions (zip, txt, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif).