PedalPCB Muroidea


Village Idiot
It must be the Week of the Rat. :oops:
Presented in the shadow of a fabulous build by @JamieJ , I present my humble but horny build.

This critter lived on a breadboard for the longest time whilst being poked and prodded about. Enough was enough, and I needed the protoboard for other groovy things. Besides, it sounded sooooo good it needed a permanent home.

I found a stash of NOS 1983 LM308 chips and could not think of a better use for one. I went with a 2N4393 and MA858 clippers. It sounds like it should.....with maybe a touch extra :cool:

Some of you my recognize RatFink, with his usual attitude on display. Fun build. Gnarly pedal. Get one built!


Would have used an OP07, personally. Everybody knows that the 308 sucks tone…
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Drinking while driving a ‘58 ‘Vette while flipping off… for SHAME Fig!

To associate wholesome pedal-building with reckless irresponsible behaviour — why, young impressionable future pedal-builders seeing this might get the wrong idea!

I whole-heartedly approve. ♥️
Very nice build @fig
Can you remember the vf on the MA858? Similar to a 4148? Did you prefer the MA858 on the breadboard?
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Nice one, @fig! Glad to see the experimentation paid off. Did you find you liked symmetrical clipping the most? Great find with the 308, too!
Thanks! I actually like both clipping arrangements depending on the diodes being used. These happened to be the ones left on the breadboard and they sounded great so they got glued. I was going to use the OA7s ( lower Vf...seemingly smokier flavor ) but they can be used elsewhere ;).
My personal Rat uses the Helios PCB from AionFX. I like it cause it gives you the ability to have three different clipping options. From mine, the clipping options are: 1N914, 1N34A, and 3mm red LED's. Technically, the LED's are always present given that the middle option on the switch just takes the other two clipping options out of the circuit. For me, the three options more or less line up to the three basic Rat configs: standard Rat, Rat Turbo, and Dirty Rat. Pretty happy with it. :D