Phat Phuk B


Well-known member
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Why do so many circuits get immature names? This one's not even that funny but don't get me wrong, I love to curse. Anyway, thankfully the sound it makes pleases me more than the name turns me off. I'm not really sure why I chose to build it. I barely dabble in the germanium transistors, don't really use boosts and I did not like the few demos i found of it. I guess I like the brand, the other wren and cuff associated circuits I've built have all been great. Also I was intrigued by the 1000uf Electro.

This build is what finally pushed me to order a DCA75. I went through and auditioned my small stash of pnp germs that tested (with a tc1) as close to 100hfe as possible but didn't find an appropriate transistor. I ended up ordering a NOS GT402 from SBP. I don't exactly have regrets about a $10 transistor since it brought this build over the finish line but it feels a bit like cheating. Now with a proper tester, I'll be ordering large quantities of transistors from Ukraine for sure.

This was also my first vero experience and I didn't have any struggles outside of transistor selection. I'm kind of excited so I'll be trying something more complicated in the near future.

When set to unity with the bias rolled back, the phat phuk is mostly clean but it imparts a slight fattening of the tone. With the bias turned up past noon it's a touch sensitive boost that's a little grimey when you dig in. Crank the bias and there's a mild but warm overdrive. So far I tend to like it stacked before fuzz, it also sounds great boosting my boneyard bass Kliché and handles octavers and subs really well too. The enclosure is this months limited edition powder coat from LMS.

And yes, that's a giant chimpanzee using a volcano as a toilet causing it to overflow. 20240524_231826.jpg 20240524_231805.jpg