Pitch Witch


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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
I always dug the Pitch Pirate demos a bit more than it's cousin, the Clarinot, so finally got around to building one up. Nothing too crazy going on here build wise. I read on here at some point that the lcr0203 worked fine and I would agree. From my recollection of pt2399 delay (Deep Blue?) you can get a decent delay without the noise. This does not seem to be the case here. I wish I had it still around to determine whether it is the chip or circuit. I tied a few different pt2399 though. Anyway, LED isnunfer the graphic which i don't normally do, but I fodnt want to mess up the witch. Added bonus it illuminates with the rate!

Once I stopped being concerned about the drlay noise, I has a lot of fun fiddling with this one. With the blend you can do chorus or vibrato. The depth and wave can give you seasick and chop. My favorite settings started with the blend more on the clen side and layering the modulation underneath. The delay noise becomes a nonfactor and you can get some cool textures going on with setting the feedback close to infinite.

Build wise this was very straightforward with no issues. I may end up lowering the delay pot value to focus on the shorter delay times


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It's definitely a weird pedal, but it's a fun one. I think your graphics turned out better than mine...
Graphics can be such a pain especially when you use the clear waterside and can't just cover it up. I had one recently that had a blemish and decided to go distressed look. Lemonade outta lemons! Looks like you nade yours work, regardless! I wasn't crazy about this graphic. I usually try to pay homage to the original design so did the stamp font and textured background.
Looks like you ditched the LDR and yellow LED. I see a capacitor in its place. I’m curious why you went that route? Excuse my dumb question. Thanks!
It looks like an elextro but is actually an optocoupler which is basically an enclosed led and ldr. Vsctrols are a more common version of this in diy pedals. I used it cause I had them leftover from something else and had read a report that said they work. Questions are good!
It looks like an elextro but is actually an optocoupler which is basically an enclosed led and ldr. Vsctrols are a more common version of this in diy pedals. I used it cause I had them leftover from something else and had read a report that said they work. Questions are good!
Got it! Makes perfect sense. I’m going to build the pitch witch today and can’t wait to mess around with it. Yours looks great! This will be my 4th build. I haven’t got into painting or labeling yet, so that’s another bridge I have to cross soon. Thanks for sharing!