Potentiometer Organizer Idea


Breadboard Baker
I've got a bunch of pots sitting in piles in multiple storage bins basically organized by taper and solder/pcb mount. If I need a certain value I have to rummage through each bin to find the right one and its a bit annoying. What do you guys use to help organize them?
I try to save as many shallow boxes as possible and keep them those boxes compartmentalized in a drawer. Think phone box, glasses box, that kind of thing. Here are my pots and trimmers. Each box is a different taper and then they are low to high value front to back. Pretty low volume right now but you get the idea. Works pretty well!
I have an akro-mills drawer organizer. The small drawers can fit ten or so pots. I keep ready stock there and have a box for overflow with pots bagged by value/taper.

There’s a row for each common taper (i.e., A, B, C). Another row contains dual-gang, W-taper, and other miscellaneous pots.
I’ve often wondered if it would be more efficient to just disassemble all of the pots, and keep the wafers sorted in separate small bins, and then the shells, wipers, and shafts all together in a single larger bin.

I’m not gonna do it since it seems like a major pain, but, if you wanna try it… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
