This is one of those pedals that I always feel like sounds really nice for other people to play. Like whenever I hear someone playing theirs I really dig it. But yeah, hard time getting it to sound nice for me.
I just read about that. Sounds interesting! Have to check if I have an NPN Germanium. How's the gain/dirt on it? Basically, I'd like to be able to dial in some dirt while also shaping the EQ a bit. The Greer Lightspeed has been my new favourite so far.
I just read about that. Sounds interesting! Have to check if I have an NPN Germanium. How's the gain/dirt on it? Basically, I'd like to be able to dial in some dirt while also shaping the EQ a bit. The Greer Lightspeed has been my new favourite so far.
I like my son of ben with a hard clipper in front of it, but don't often play it by itself. Mine is also pretty noisy, which could just be user error/sloppiness.
I built a pair of them two two different specs a while ago. I liked them, but haven’t been all that compelled to plug either of them in since then. I have a 3rd one on my workbench currently that I plan to build to the highly modified specs of an internet acquaintance who was very unimpressed with the original design and sought to make it better. Once I build that one, I’ll do a shootout between the three so we can see once and for all just what it all means.
I built my for bass and: ended up switching out C6 and C8 for 330n (what I had on hand, though I think anything 100n and above would have been fine). That really opened up the pedal and makes it sound a lot fuller and more useful on bass. Also omitted C5 so that there's more gain before breakup. I have compared mine to a real Benson and like my better, for bass though.