Pythagoras - I Need A Hand Omitting A Selector Switch


Does this count as a MOD? Perhaps...
I want to use the Pythagoras PCB as a stand alone effect using 1 of the 3 loaded fx. I thought it would be a simple jumper between the pads, but apparently not? Thanks for the help. Schematic is sideways. Sorry...


  • Pythagoras Schematic.pdf
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No, a jumper should select 1 effect.
No jumper on the switch is one setting.
Jumper 1-2 or 2-3 on sw1 should give the other two effects. You do need to populate R7 and R16.
If that's not working, make sure you have 3.3v on pin 2
Another option, if there's room, is add the switch inverted, so it's inside the enclosure. A mini toggle *may* fit in there. Then you have the option to change it if ever desired.
The 3 program select pins operate on 3 bit binary, from 000 to 111. Jumper accordingly.
Or just install the switch and don't switch it?
Edited for clarity. It's early
I haven’t done this but the program selector switch is a SPDT on off on switch so its programs would be top 2 pads jumped, nothing jumped and bottom 2 jumped. Alternatively have you considered installing the switch on the other side of the board and just leaving it in the box?