Roast My Build - Brown Betty

don’t quit your day job
Believe me when I say that my dreams of doing this for profit were shattered on build #1. but at least that stopped me, while others may have chased those pipe dreams.
Why can’t you decide between a BE-OD and Dirty Shirley? 🧐
Valid. But it is nice to have the Tight AND Presence knobs. I noticed playing this yesterday into my headphone setup that those really helped to get something useful when hitting a modeler.
macaroni art
designed by a kindergarten class during arts and crafts time, using whatever was left over from a glitter and glue explosion. The knobs are more mysterious than an unsolved murder case—who even knows what "Tighx" does? It's probably a secret setting that makes your guitar sound like it's being played through a tin can. The meteor theme is a nice touch, though. It really sells the idea that using this pedal might crash and burn your entire rig.
JFC, who labeled this thing? Looks like it was done while filming deadliest catch SMH
Looks like a bird took a shit on it. 😁
Ok, so you got the PRIMER on it.
When are you gonna FINISH it?
These warm my heart. I will not defend my actions. For sure the lettering with Posca is a bad move, but likely one I will do again. Shoutout to @KR Sound for my personal favorite roast.
It's going to be tough to beat this one.
this one hurts mostly because I did it to myself.
Why'd you leave the covers on the pots? Take those off and save them for when they matter.
Yeah, I only use pot condoms on the pots that will be touching the board. The ones that hang off the board, those don't get condoms and are free to raw dog it.
my question here is only if it is worth the time taken to remove them. plus that gunk all over my hands drives me nuts. Visually I prefer them all to be covered. but I agree that this is likely overkill.

Thank you ALL for roasting!

Things you may have missed:
- some melty wiring on the footswitch
- The way I hooked up the LED feels sloppy