Rounded edges on PCB


Probably a real dumb question, but is there a way to round out the edges on diptrace's PCB design? When I do my board outline, I cant find anywhere allowing me to round the edges. Thanks in advance!
Make your board outline, then right click and go to "board points"

There will be a few boxes to tick on the bottom left, click "create RoundRect board" and size it out from there with height/width/radius of arcs.
Make your board outline, then right click and go to "board points"

There will be a few boxes to tick on the bottom left, click "create RoundRect board" and size it out from there with height/width/radius of arcs.
Awesome! I knew it would be something super easy! Worked out great.

In Eagle I always did the radius last, but in Diptrace it seems useful to do it early, because the outline shifts leftward by the radius amount. But you can fiddle with the points themselves too.
Thanks for the tip.