Semi-Sweet Distortin low output and high squeel


New member
I just built this today and it sounds great but I can barely get it to unity. I have to keep the level dimed. I also had a high squeel going on which I fixed by changing one of the 220pf to a 1nf. Ive double checked all of the components and everything seems to be where it needs to be. Wondering if anyone else has had these problems
Check r14. It should be 10k.

If I have the right schematic, you could lower that to something like a 3.3k but you'd need to change the 1nf to compensate for the extra high end. I'm guessing something around a 3nf would keep things more or less copacetic.
I just built this today and it sounds great but I can barely get it to unity. I have to keep the level dimed. I also had a high squeel going on which I fixed by changing one of the 220pf to a 1nf. Ive double checked all of the components and everything seems to be where it needs to be. Wondering if anyone else has had these problems
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