@Dan0h Those are Mullard re-issues right?
I swapped out the 12AX7 for a JJ 12AU7 in my Space Heater and its perfect. with the volume and gain at around 10 0'clock I get no dirt. I can "a hint" of dirt with the Modus Operandi boost on or my General Tso's running a bit hot. But I'm super happy with the sound.
Now that I've confirmed it does that I want I'm on the hunt for a more "mojo" 12AU7.
Not sure if I want to go new re-issue (Mullard/Genelex) or go NOS. I don't see a ton of comparisons on 12AU7 Tubes.
Ideally, I'd like to find an NOS Amperex. Hopefully they won't be as ridiculously priced as their higher gain cousin.
Right now it's the very last pedal before my Apollo Twin X interface. So everything runs into that. including my buffered efx loop with my reverb and delay. Still messing with whether I want it before or after the buffered loop.
I've got another Space Heater board and box coming from Nathan that I'll build with a 12AX7 for a low gain overdrive.
I was thinking about messing with the BE but man, I'm right now I'm loving it with the gain around 9 o'clock. I think I'm just gonna leave it alone.
Everyone needs their face shredded off now and again.....good for the complexion