@name Reverse_Reverb
@color "0x7100fc"
@audioInput adcl Input_Left
@audioInput adcr Input_Right
@audioOutput dacl Output_Left
@audioOutput dacr Output_Right
@controlInput pdel Pre_Delay
@controlInput rdel Decay_Time
@controlInput dfil Damping
equ pdel 300
@sliderLabel pdel Predelay_Length 0 300 300 99 0 // Predelay length control
equ rdel 700
@sliderLabel rdel Reverse_Delay_Length 0 700 700 1 0 // Reverse delay length control
mem pdel 9900 // Predelay buffer, 300ms
mem rdel 18000 // Reverse delay buffer
mem ap1 1234 // All-pass filter 1 delay buffer
mem ap2 957 // All-pass filter 2 delay buffer
mem ap3 765 // All-pass filter 3 delay buffer
mem ap4 321 // All-pass filter 4 delay buffer
equ f1 reg0 // Filter 1
equ f2 reg1 // Filter 2
equ f3 reg2 // Filter 3
equ f4 reg3 // Filter 4
equ pdlo reg4 // Predelay output
equ dfil reg5 // Delay filter control
equ kfil reg6 // Filter coefficient
equ dacl reg7
equ dacr reg8
@isPinConnected Input_Right
rdax adcr,0.5 ;get right input
@isPinConnected Input_Left
rdax adcl,0.5 ;get left input
wra pdel, 0 ; Write to predelay buffer
;get predelay output into pdlo:
rdax pot0,0.3 ;get pot0 (to 0.3 of memory range)
rdfx dfil,0.001 ;filter delay control
wrax dfil,1 ;write delay control filter
wrax addr_ptr,0 ;write to address pointer
rmpa 1 ;read delay from address pointer
wrax pdlo,0 ;write result to pdlo
wra rdel,0 ;clear reverse delay input
;now write the pdlo register to the reverse delay, depending on pot1:
rdax pot1,1
skp zro,wr1
sof 1,-0.125
skp neg,wr2
sof 1,-0.125
skp neg,wr3
sof 1,-0.125
skp neg,wr4
sof 1,-0.125
skp neg,wr5
sof 1,-0.125
skp neg,wr6
sof 1,-0.125
skp neg,wr7
skp run,wr8
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+14000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+12000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+10000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+8000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+6000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+4000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel+2000,0
skp zro,wr9
ldax pdlo
wra rdel,0
;prepare filter coefficient from pot2:
rdax pot2,1
sof 0.8,0.1 ;treble increases CW
wrax kfil,0
;do reverse reverb taps with interspersed filtering and allpasses:
rda rdel+1,0.05
rda rdel+303,-0.05
rda rdel+569,0.06
rda rdel+911,0.07
rda rdel+1256,-0.008
rda rdel+1478,0.008
rda rdel+1818,-0.01
rda rdel+2089,0.01
rda rdel+2358,-0.011
rda rdel+2710,0.012
rda rdel+3018,0.0135
rda rdel+3345,-0.012
rda rdel+3567,-0.015
rda rdel+3922,0.02
rda rdel+4167,-0.02
rdax f1,-1
mulx kfil
rdax f1,1
wrax f1,1
rda ap1#,0.5
wrap ap1,-0.5
rda rdel+4522,-0.029
rda rdel+4754,0.04
rda rdel+5156,-0.034
rda rdel+5342,-0.04
rda rdel+5657,0.035
rda rdel+6008,0.04
rda rdel+6283,-0.04
rda rdel+6623,-0.045
rda rdel+6845,-0.055
rda rdel+7219,0.06
rda rdel+7487,-0.06
rda rdel+7832,-0.05
rda rdel+8065,0.07
rdax f2,-1
mulx kfil
rdax f2,1
wrax f2,1
rda ap2#,0.5
wrap ap2,-0.5
rda rdel+8404,0.08
rda rdel+8713,-0.07
rda rdel+8967,-0.08
rda rdel+9307,0.08
rda rdel+9576,-0.09
rda rdel+9924,-0.09
rda rdel+10298,-0.11
rda rdel+10578,0.1
rda rdel+10835,0.12
rda rdel+11207,-0.1
rda rdel+11523,-0.14
rda rdel+11765,-0.18
rda rdel+12113,0.16
rda rdel+12324,-0.13
rda rdel+12735,-0.17
rdax f3,-1
mulx kfil
rdax f3,1
wrax f3,1
rda ap3#,0.5
wrap ap3,-0.5
rda rdel+13003,0.19
rda rdel+13267,-0.14
rda rdel+13610,0.16
rda rdel+13945,-0.18
rda rdel+14130,0.2
rda rdel+14550,-0.25
rda rdel+14800,-0.25
rdax f4,-1
mulx kfil
rdax f4,1
wrax f4,1
rda ap4#,0.5
wrap ap4,-0.5
rda rdel+16000,1
wrax dacl,1
@setOutputPin Output_Left dacl
wrax dacr,0
@setOutputPin Output_Right dacr