SOLVED Super Fuzz problems


Active member
Hey all. Just built a super fuzz and on test, silence. Hit up the audio probe and there is nothing beyond the base of Q1. Thinking that Q1 may be buggered I pulled it and tacked on a socket (very crudely) and still the same, nothing on the collector. Anyone any thoughts as what the hell could be going on here, it makes no sense to me. Schematic attached. Thanks in advance


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I never solve anything so I don't know! 😹

There should be a button near your OP somewhere... maybe it's marked "STATUS" if not outright "SOLVED"...

[EDIT] OKAY... I joined this forum to get help fixing an Electric Mistress ...

Go to your OP, click on EDIT and up in the left corner of the post by the Thread Title is a drop down menu labelled (Prefix)... therein you'll find the SOLVED!

Now I've got something that's SOLVED!, too!
Cheers Bro