Testing ge diodes for leakage?

At 300-500k, you're losing some gain, but they would make an OK G2. Big step up from the ones under 100K. Be sure to put the least leaky ones you have in the second clipping stage.
Also, I was tinkering around and I could hardly tell a difference between Ge and Bat46 in the first clipping stage. Definitely a solid substitute, especially if you can only scrounge up two low leakage Ge diodes.
Ah, that makes sense about the BAT46! Also, thanks for clarifying about the 300-500k. I wasn't sure what was a good starting point for saying leaky or not...
Update for anyone looking for ge diodes with low leakage. Ended up purchasing a few more different kinds of ge diodes and have found that 1n695 had the most consistent readings of at least 1M (most were 2M+) in reverse. So, if you’re looking for lower leakage ge diodes for a specific project 1n695 is a great place to start. Hope this helps someone.