Texas Instrument doc "Tone Stack for Guitar Amplifier Reference Design"


Well-known member
I ran across this TI document (TIDU887), which relates to a specific TI test circuit which I doubt is still available.
Although the discussion is specific to their tone stack circuit (shown below), they analyze it in great detail.
The doc is well written, hence I thought some folks might find it useful for learning how to analyze a tone stack (and perhaps other circuits).
I hope it's helpful to some of you.

Texas Instrument tone stack.png

(Edit: I hope this is the best place to put this)


I'll have to check out the pdf. You can use Duncan's Tone Stack calculator to play around with values and see how it reacts. There's an app that's Windows only, but there's an online version I use. I plugged my own values in this one when I was messing with it the other day:

That's just an absolute standard Marshall style tonestack with a boost in front, going directly into a buffer. This will only work this way with a bipolar power supply as pictures, else the tonestack needs to go to vref instead of ground or you need an additional coupling cap and bias resistor. Would also advise making the input impedance that it goes into rather high, especially if using the usual amp style values.