Thunder Chicken Fixed Wah Mockup Pedal - Arriving Soon!

Any update on the build doc? I got my Thunder Chicken PCB a few weeks back and am ready to build the pedal. The only question I really have is about the "9V1" diode -- should I use a 1N4739A (1W) or will a 1N5239B (500mW) work? I am guessing the 5239B would be fine. Are there any other special notes about this build? Thanks! --Ken
Not yet, but hopefully soon-ish once things settle down enough here that I can reliably work on new docs.
(You really don't want me working on any sort of technical information at the moment, I promise 🤣)

Either will work. I'd use the 1/2W since it'll be smaller. That diode just provides ESD protection for the BS170 MOSFET, it won't have an impact on tone and the circuit would function perfectly fine if you omitted it altogether.... until you zap it with ESD, of course.
Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I just saw your post about your family's health issues. Best wishes to you all!
Yeah, protect your MOSFETs, wouldn't want cock up your build...

I wonder if this'll rule the roost when compared to the Station Wah.
I use a factory one of these + TC Mimiq Mini together as my lead sound. I tried a lot of things to get my lead sound to pop. It sits between a cranked fuzz pedal and a dirty amp, there's not many places you can go from there

I plan to put one in a big box together with a slapback/doubler effect and have just one pedal for solos
Just ordered the Thunder Chicken and I'm working on an enclosure layout. In the absence of the build/drill documents, I wondered if anyone might know the outside dimensions of the board?

In the meantime, best of wishes to @Robert
I wondered if anyone might know the outside dimensions of the board?
1.95" x 1.95"

You can usually find this on the "Additional Information" tab of the product page as well (assuming the PCB hasn't been updated since it was published)
No problem at all, never hurts to ask if it's something critical.

That information is just entered for accurate shipping calculation so it is sometimes overlooked when a PCB is revised.