Tone Bender Gain


So I built a Tone Bender with some MP40 transistors and it sounds a little weak and not as sustainy as I'd hoped (predictable). Any tips on how to get more gain out of it without changing the transistors?
So I built a Tone Bender with some MP40 transistors and it sounds a little weak and not as sustainy as I'd hoped (predictable). Any tips on how to get more gain out of it without changing the transistors?

Which Tonebender? Got a schematic? Gains and leakages for the transistors?
It's the MK1 (PedalPCB Tone Vendor MKI). hfe is pretty low at 31. Just wondering if there's an easy fix like increasing the gain pot value before I go ahead and swap transistors for something hotter.
It's all about the transistors. If they don't have the right leakage, this pedal will sound like :poop:.

This is really a topic for the Troubleshooting forum because when this pedal is built right, you'll have plenty of gain. Put a post in Troubleshooting with pix and these voltages and I'll be happy to help.

Q2-C (ATTACK max)
Q2-C (ATTACK min)
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