SOLVED Unintentionally gated Ge Fuzz Face


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I built this germanium Fuzz Face for a friend. It's my first commission so of course Murphy's Law decided to apply. After boxing it up it started to sound gated with a farty cleanup.

The circuit worked perfectly on the breadboard so I built it on eyelet board. Here it is powered by a 9V battery through my Auditorium and alligator clips to connect the pots, working as intended:

The circuit is stock except for a 220nF input cap and a A250k volume pot to make it less woofy. I have an issue with Fuzz Faces and Tone Bender MKIIs I build, they all have flabby low end and they lose attack on the low strings, especially on the neck pickup. No idea if it's the transistors I have on hand - ASY33 and ASY34. Those two mods take care of the issue without changing the basic tone.

I built a voltage inverter using the following schematic. I've used this before without issues:

Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 10.17.22.png

With my power supply I get these voltages:

DC Jack 8.99V

TC1044SCPA Pins:
  1. 8.94V
  2. 5.15V
  3. 0
  4. -3.63V
  5. -8.75V
  6. 4.03V
  7. 5.48V
  8. -8.94V

  • Q1b -0.12V
  • Q1c -0.68V
  • Q1e 0

  • Q2b -0.68V
  • Q2c -4.93V
  • Q2e 0
Those seem ok to me. Pretty sure Q2c was a tad lower on the breadboard but a higher voltage should make it sound brighter and tighter, not darker and gated. Generally Ge FFs sound pretty much the same to me between -4V and -5V.



Ugly but everything checks out. I get continuity where expected. I used the DC Jack breakout board for cleaner connections to +9V and ground. The voltage inverter is on two layers of double-sided foam tape. I thoroughly checked it for shorts and bridges while building it.

The board is mounted to the enclosure with the two bolts you see. There are 5mm plastic spacers on the bolts to give clearance to the wires under the board. The left bolt is grounded, the right one isn't. I guess it doesn't make contact with the raw enclosure. The empty eyelets are isolated.

Bending the transistors around doesn't change anything.
Since the circuit worked on the board before boxing it up, the problem must arise from the wiring or voltage inverter.

I hope I have provided enough information. I appreciate any help you can offer. Even just the theory of how and why a fuzz might gate would be useful for future builds.

Thank you,

Sorry, I don't know anything about voltage inverters so can't really help you there.

Are those Q1 voltages ok? Seem kinda low to me - but again, I don't know what they should be.
Sorry, I don't know anything about voltage inverters so can't really help you there.

Are those Q1 voltages ok? Seem kinda low to me - but again, I don't know what they should be.
For germanium Fuzz Faces, Q1c should be -0.7V and Q2c -4.5V so with -0.68V and -4.93V I'm in the ballpark.
Are you sure about this? Pins 1 and 8 are connected together so should have the same voltage and polarity.
Since they're numerically the same (down to a hundredth of a volt) I'm going to assume pin 8 isn't actually negative?
Good catch and my bad, of course pin 1 and pin 8 are both +8.94V
It's a long shot, but any chance you got the pots swapped?
I'll be damned.
I measured the resistance of the pots.
Volume is 220k, which matches what I measured before wiring it up. So that checks out.
However, the Fuzz pot should be a C1k, it read 0.98k before wiring and now it reads 14M Ohm!
How's that possible?!
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Good catch and my bad, of course pin 1 and pin 8 are both +8.94V

I'll be damned.
I measured the resistance of the pots.
Volume is 220k, which matches what I measured before wiring it up. So that checks out.
However, the Fuzz pot should be a C1k, it read 0.98k before wiring and now it reads 14M Ohm!
How's that possible?!
Scratch that. The Fuzz pot also checks out at 0.95k Ohm.
Too bad.
I'll pull it out of the enclosure to see if something changes.
Scratch that. The Fuzz pot also checks out at 0.95k Ohm.
Too bad.
I'll pull it out of the enclosure to see if something changes.
Ok I noticed the FF works perfectly with the volume up to 3pm. Above that there's a volume drop and it gets gated.
I reflowed the lugs and nothing changed. The resistance in the pot seems to vary logarithmically as it should.
Bad pot? And to think I made sure that pots were CCW when I soldered them.
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Maybe, Tightening them can sometimes pull the carbon disc away from the wiper. Also, where were the pots set when you biased?
Good question. I guess they were both maxed out on the Protoboard. My mistake was testing the build with the angled pots from the protoboard instead of the actual lug pots I ended up using in the build. And I did tighten them like crazy.
I did a stoopid, Fig
Ok I noticed the FF works perfectly with the volume up to 3pm. Above that there's a volume drop and it gets gated.
I reflowed the lugs and nothing changed. The resistance in the pot seems to vary logarithmically as it should.
Bad pot? And to think I made sure that pots were CCW when I soldered them
Try a 500k for the volume. It almost sounds like you have too much output. People tell me I have the same problem...

Which value for your "output" resistor did you use? I agree with @Coda, i.e. it sounds like maybe you are bombing out with extreme output.
Which value for your "output" resistor did you use? I agree with @Coda, i.e. it sounds like maybe you are bombing out with extreme output.
Hadn't thought of that.

1k resistor into the output cap, A250k volume pot to reduce the woofy bass. It worked fine on the breadboard.

I have another Fuzz Face that uses a 2k2 resistor so it's even louder. That one has a 500k but it also has a very flabby low end die to the 4u7 input cap (was trying to build a Tone Bender 1.5 but biased it like a fuzz Face).
I replaced the volume pot with another 250k - this one measures 264k. Same deal, once it goes above 3 o'clock it drops and it gates.
I've used the same values before and it always worked.
Well, 3 o'clock is already above unity, if my friend doesn't want this I'll keep it for myself.

I need a break.