DEMO [Vero] Big Muff - Russian - altoids

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Well-known member
after building the kewpie fuzz, damn was i hooked, not just with the sound, but the whole BMP evolution, so I fell down a big muff rabbit hole and was compelled to build another one.

ive done a handful of altoids builds before, but never with top jacks.
always kinda scoffed at top jack layouts as unnecessary, adding complexity and undesirable additional length to I/O jack leads.
nowadays, things have changed a bit.

i decided it was time:
1) fit a big muff in an altoids tin
2) do it with top jacks

found a nice compact vero layout from harold sabro, and went with a green russian / civil war version.

yep, it fits.

pretty stoked with this lil guy

im not very good at fuzz demos.
already attempted one recently with the kewpie fuzz.
so i took this one to band practice and got the bass player to have a go at it.

yep. it dooms.
might have to whip out the squier PB next time and do another bass demo

seems to be a popular one for bass, but i was still surprised at how well it worked, even with the sustain cranked.
always down for the chicklets if i can fit them 🤟
I've been using mine almost solely with cranked gain for like 30 yrs. Big 'n' nasty.