Vero build help (Mind Warp)


Well-known member
Hey all!

I know this isn't a request for PCB help, but I've hit a wall with this one and was hoping another set of eyes (or brain) could help me figure this out. I recently finished this Mind Warp vero build, and it isn't cooperating with me. I'm getting signal when bypassed, but when I engage the pedal I'm not getting any sound of it aside from this weird like, chirping LFO type noise. It almost sounds like I can hear the LFO LFO-ing when I adjust the rate and depth knobs, but I'm not getting anything else out of it. I've replaced the chips, double-checked for any bridges, checked all my cuts to make sure they were actually cut, checked the input/output to make sure they weren't going to ground, and measured voltage at the diode, Op-amp, and regulator. I'm getting normal readings for all of it, so at this point I'm pretty stumped as to what could be causing it to not work.

IMG_7033.JPG IMG_7036.JPG IMG_7038.JPG
Any help is much appreciated!
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I don’t think it would cause complete loss of signal like you are mentioning but are you testing the circuit in the dark. Or with something to shield light from your Ldr/led. You can go over the top and do like a heat shrink thing that works pretty well for it.

Did you audio probe it? Where are you losing signal?

All the offboard wiring looks good assuming it’s going to the correct pot lugs etc (I think 95% of my vero mess ups are in offboard wiring).

This looks somewhat similar to the little angel chorus circuit that from the comment threads on the stripboard layout sites had many people tearing their hair out.

You say your voltages are good mind sharing them. Might be something you are missing there possibly.
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